Chapter 1 - Waking Up

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Disclaimer: The Flash TV show and it's characters do not belong to me. I only own Sydney Cage and her family.


Author Note:

Hi everyone,

This is my first Fanfic story and I'm so excited.

It starts roughly in season 2 episode 14 of The Flash.

All of the story up to this point is the same as in the TV show (e.g. Barry's mother is murdered by Eobard Thawne when Barry is 11, Barry gets struck by lightning when the particle accelerator blows up, giving him superspeed and he becomes The Flash etc.) except for the fact that Barry is not (and has never been) in love with Iris West.


All I see is darkness. Where am i? I hear voices.

"She's been like this ever since she's been here, Barry".

I recognise that voice. My mind works overtime to identify it. I faintly remember hearing it in... a youtube video of my favourite tv show, The Flash, at Comic Con?

My vision is returning. I'm laying in a bed. There are machines all around me. I faintly feel something in my hand, it's an IV. There's a woman standing next to my bed. I gasp as I realise who it is.

"Danielle Panabaker?" I ask, my voice croaky.

She turns and gasps. "You're awake!" she says after a moment. I start to fully take in my surroundings. I'm in a lab-like room which connects to another room with several computers in the centre. It doesn't take more than a few seconds for me to realise where I am.

"I don't understand, why am I on the set of The Flash?" Danielle stares at me for a second.

"I think you're still a little disorientated. My name is Caitlin. I'm a doctor and I've been taking care of you for the last few days. Um... how did you know this is where The Flash is based?"

"I... well, I'm a huge fan of the show. You, Grant, Carlos, Candice and the others are my favourite cast ever! I've watched you guys since season 1, and-"

"Oh my God, you're awake". Suddenly, there is a man standing on the other side of my bed. He is wearing a red suit that I have fantasied about seeing in person.

"Grant?" A puzzled expression crosses the famous actor's face. "H-how did you just get here so fast?" I ask, utterly confused.

He looks taken back. "I-I'm The Flash, you must've heard of me, right? And why did you call me Grant?"

"Um.. because that's your name? You're Grant Gustin."

"Ok" Danielle interrupts "I've got a suggestion: how about you tell who you are and whatever you remember up until you woke up here, and then we'll tell you about how we found you and so on."

"Alright" I answer. "Well, my name is Sydney Cage and I'm 21 years old. I just finished university with a degree in computer science. I love reading, swimming and watching my favourite TV show... The Flash." That last statement got their attention. "Ok, so I'm up to watching the third season of The Flash and I'm pretty much obsessed with it. Actually, that's the last thing I remember before waking up here, watching the ninth episode of season 3 of The Flash."

Grant and Danielle are staring at me in disbelief. "So... you're saying we're on a TV show?" Danielle asks slowly. "Yes, which you should know because you are two of the flippin' stars on it!" I said, starting to get annoyed. "Now, I held up my end of the bargain, so how the hell did I get here?"

"Ok, ok" Grant says. "Well, this is going to hard to explain but some of my friends and I had just returned from a place which we call Earth-2". He watches my expression carefully and looks surprised when I don't question the fact that there is a second Earth. "I've seen it on TV, remember? But that doesn't explain why you're talking about it like it's real"

"Right. Anyway, so we had just come back through the breach..." I nodded, waiting for him to say that Zoom had killed Jay, who was actually his time remnant, "When another breach opened on the other side of the room." My head snapped up. "Which you came out of."

"Ok." I say, "This just got crazy. So you're saying I was thrown into a world where you two aren't actors, and you actually are your characters." I turn to Grant, "So you actually have superspeed" He nods. "And you aren't Grant Gustin, award winning actor, singer and dancer, but Barry Allen, Forensic Scientist, and secretly The Flash." Barry looks slightly taken back, "You know my secret identity!"

"Oh, come on, do you really think they wouldn't let the viewers of the show know who The Flash really is?"

Barry laughs shakily, "So you're actually from a place where we're the idea for a TV show?"

I nod.

"Well then, judging from the fact that there isn't a Flash in your world, but instead a TV show, and that you came through a breach, and about a million other things, I'd say that you're on the wrong Earth."


Yay! Here it is: the first chapter of my story! I really hope you guys liked it, I know I definitely loved writing it!

I'd also just like to apologise: I do realise that this chapter is a little short. I'm going to aim to make each chapter around a thousand words, which I have achieved but only because of this huge Author's Note.

Now, I'd just like to mention a few things:

First of all, I'm Australian, so I will be writing this story as well as other stories using Australian English. Therefore, if you see a word like mum or colour, and you think it's a mistake, it's not!

Secondly, I have not thought about my publishing schedule yet. Once I have posted a few more chapters and seen what people think, I will decide how often to post. However, this schedule may have to change at times if I have a assignment to study for, or a project to do.

Thirdly, you might have noticed I have included a cast list for my story, but have not given Sydney a celebrity's/actor's/model's face. I have done this because I couldn't find a good person for her to be based on. If you guys think you may have found the perfect Sydney Cage, don't hesitate to leave your suggestion as a comment or message me.

Lastly, if you guys like to photoshop or make covers etc. for stories and would like to make one for my story, I will use it at the top of a chapter and give you all the credit, of course. If you are including the characters in the cover/poster, please stick with the actors I have stated in the cast list.

That's all.

- Miranda

On The Wrong Earth (The Flash)Where stories live. Discover now