Chapter 5 - So complicated even Harry doesn't understand

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"Uh... What?" Cisco says, his expression meme worthy.

I sigh.

"I know, it's really confusing. Look, the point is, you're all characters on your own TV show, The Flash, but you crossover with Arrow and the other shows. Everything else doesn't really matter for now."

Everyone is still staring at me with baffled expressions. "Never mind, it'll make more sense after some time."

"Ok, so you know everything up to this point in the show, right?" Harry looks to me for confirmation and I nod. "So, you said that the last thing you remember was watching Season 3 Episode... 9, was it? Is that now? But I'm assuming you weren't in the episode, so it must have been changed. I think." Even Harry's huge brain was having a hard time keeping up.

"See, that's where you're wrong. The last thing I remember was watching episode 9 of the third season... but, judging by the fact that you said you just got back from Earth-2, I'd say I'm in roughly..." My brain fights to remember, "Around Season 2, episode 14."

Everyone is staring at me in shock. And as I realise what I had just worked out, my face mirrors their expressions.

I know what's going to happen in the next 18 episodes of The Flash... which means that I know the future.


Sorry! Really short chapter! I just felt that this was a good time to end it... so I did.
I'll try to update within the next few days, probably on the weekend. I have a huge assignment though, so no promises.
-Miranda ❤️💛💚💙💜💗

PS See? I kept the Author's Note short!

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