Chapter 10 - Truths and Lies

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I start screaming. "No! Get away from me." I yell as I back away until I feel the wall at my back. "Woah, Sydney, what's wrong?" Barry asks, a confused expression covering his face. "Sydney, this is Jay Garrick, he's a friend."

"No! He is NOT your friend. Whatever he's done to earn your trust, it was a lie."

Caitlin attempts to calm me. "Sydney, I think you're still a little confused about our Ear-."

"I'm NOT confused. That man" I say, pointing at Hunter Zolomon, "is evil."

"Sydney-" Barry starts, but I cut him off. "Barry, you have to listen to me. I knew about your secret identity, I knew about the multiverse: that there is other Earths, and I know about this. I watched the episode where he kills someone you care about, and where he threatens Caitlin's life! You have to believe me!"

"Sydney, Jay would never do that, and besides, how would he kill someone, he lost his speed!" Caitlin says.

"You don't get it, he's not even Jay Garrick! The real Jay Garrick is that man with the iron mask that Barry was held with when Zoom captured him. When you captured him." I say, pointing at Hunter Zolomon. "You are Zoom!"

Everyone in the room only stares at me with confused expressions covering their faces, including Zoom.

The bastard's pretending to have no idea what I'm talking about!

"Sydney, why don't you come home for a bit? Cool off a bit." Barry suggests, acting like I've gone crazy.

"No! I will not "cool off" until Zoom is behind phase-proof bars." I say, my voice muddled up with anger, fright, and sadness that my friends don't trust me.

"Look, Sydney, we all want to beat Zoom, but Jay isn't Zoom!" Cisco says and I can see it in his eyes that he believes what he's saying.

But I don't.

"Yes. He. Is!"

"Look, Sydney was it? I don't know what you're talking about! I would never do anything to hurt these guys, I care about them." Zoom says, aiming that last part at Caitlin, who blushes. They all hear his voice and perceive the lies he's feeding them as the truth... instead of trusting me. It's his word against mine, and he's winning.

"Sydney, I don't know what's going on; maybe the TV show on your Earth is inaccurate, maybe you're just remembering what happened wrong! Whatever's the case, Jay isn't Zoom. Please, just let me bring you home." Barry pleads, more urgency in his voice this time.

"No." I say stubbornly.

Barry sighs. "Caitlin, do it."

I turn around in surprise, but I'm too late. Caitlin has already sunk a syringe into my neck.

The last thing I see before my vision fades is Hunter Zolomon's pleased expression.


I groan. Hesitantly, I open my heavy eyelids. As soon as I do it, I wish that I didn't.

They locked me up in the pipeline. I can't believe it, they actually locked me up. I thought we were becoming friends... but they betrayed me. They don't trust me.

And it hurts.

I hear footsteps echoing from around the corner and stand up. A few seconds later Barry is standing on the other side of the glass that is imprisoning me. He looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry, Sydney, I really am. But you were going hysterical, we couldn't let you keep freaking out like that, you were going to give yourself a heart attack!" He says.

"What did you expect?" I ask angrily. "That guy is a monster! I was scared, and I had to warn you!"

Barry's expression is full of regret. "You honestly believe that Jay, our friend, is Zoom?" I nod. "Then I have nothing else to say to you."

Barry begins to walk away and I scream after him. "Barry! Barry, you can't just leave me in here!"

He turns for a moment. "Caitlin will bring you dinner and I'll be back tomorrow to check on you. I really hope you'll be seeing sense by then." He says and leaves.



This chapter was actually gonna be a lot longer with a huge cliffhanger, but I decided to split it into two parts so I could update quicker. The next part will be published either this weekend or sometime next week, hopefully the former though!

Ok, gotta go work on "An Unlikely Love" now, since I've been really bad with updating that one as well!

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