Chapter 3 - Girl Chat

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"Am I crazy?" I ask Iris, as we stand by the door of a place which, until today, I thought was constantly filled with cameras, actors and crew members. We are about to go in, but Iris has given me a minute to process everything, a very much needed minute.

Iris laughs, but seems confused. "No. Well, I hope not. Why would you think that?" Now it is my turn to laugh. "Because I'm talking to you! I'm living in The Arrowverse! And I'm about to walk into your house! And Barry actually has super speed! And there are infinite Earths! And-"

"Wait, did you say the Arrowverse? As in the Green Arrow?" Iris asks. "Oliver Queen, yeah." I laugh at Iris's shocked expression. "Again, you think the audience wouldn't know the heros' secret identities?"

"So the Green Arrow is part of our TV show too? But why would our universe be called the Arrowverse if the show is The Flash?" Iris is intrigued but still extremely baffled. I can't help but smile at Iris's arrogance, but I suppose she can't help it. After all, I hadn't exactly explained everything properly.

"No, Oliver isn't part of The Flash, although he does make crossover appearances sometimes, along with Felicity, Diggle and the others of course. Anyway, Oliver Queen is the star on Arrow, another TV show. Since Arrow started two years before The Flash, the universe is called the Arrowverse, although some people do call it the Flarrowverse. After all, The Flash is just as important as the Green Arrow now. In fact, don't tell Oliver, but I kinda prefer The Flash. Murder doesn't sit well with me. I mean, I know he doesn't kill anymore but... " I ramble.

Iris is nodding but seems to be focusing on all the other information that I have given her. As she should be. It must be all very confusing. But not as confusing as making up in your favourite TV show which you may or may not (I'm not admitting anything) be obsessed with. Yep, that definitely would be at the top of my list of confusing things that have happened to me.

Iris has just accepted that she doesn't understand anything, and tells me to follow her inside. After I finish staring at the furniture, she leads me to the guest room. "Ok, so this is where you'll be staying. There's towels, blankets and clothes hangers in the cupboard. Actually, you don't really have any other clothes, do you?" I shake my head. I had woken up in a pair of blue jeans, a black singlet, a black and white cardigan, and some heeled black boots (A/N Picture above.), those clothes and my wallet and phone (which I found in my pockets) are all I have. "Ok, you and I are definitely going on a shopping trip sometime soon!" Iris insists.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I reply.

We both laugh and Iris leaves me to get some rest. As I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, I can't help but wonder: Am I stuck here forever? And if I am, is it just bad luck? Was all of this some kind of inter-dimensional accident... or am I here for a reason?


Sorry! I know this chapter was short and quite boring, I promise next chapter will be a lot more interesting and eventful, and I'll try to publish it by next weekend. This chapter wasn't actually meant to be interesting, it was more of a filler, so that Iris isn't completely clueless, and then she can explain it to the others, and it won't have to be Sydney telling everyone a bunch of stuff that everyone reading already knows when there is better stuff to be talking about! I also thought it was nice to have Iris and Sydney have a bit of a girl bonding moment.
Anyway... I have 39 reads for this story!!! Thank you everyone who has given me the benefit of the doubt, I love you all!!!!
Until next week (hopefully),
- Miranda ❤️💛💚💙💜💗

On The Wrong Earth (The Flash)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora