Chapter 7 - Shopping Spree

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After the realisation that I was literally a human horoscope, everyone agreed that we needed to take a breather. Even Barry took the day off being The Flash, and went home to catch up on some cases.

I was a little bit lost, not knowing anywhere to go and do something, but Iris came to my rescue.

"Hey, Sydney, this is the perfect time to go and get you some new clothes!" She says, getting excited.

"Ok, sounds great." I say, smiling. It felt good that we could do something normal for the first time since I woke up.

Back on Earth who-knows-what, I had never been very popular. I was the nerdy girl with no friends. Even in university, when I was studying with people in the same career path as me, I wasn't very liked. We all had the same skills, but my classmates used their talent to make video games, or hack websites. All I ever did was triangulate which cafe Grant Gustin was likely to be spotted at. That's right, I was the weirdly smart, obsessive fangirl.

That's why I am so excited to go on a shopping trip with Iris now, it makes me feel wanted, like I finally have a friend.


When Iris and I arrive at the Central City Mall, I am astonished. It's huge.

"Wow" I breath.

Iris laughs "What, have you never seen a mall before?"

I blush. "Actually... I haven't."

"What? Oh, come on girl, we are going to have fun."


Three pairs of skinny jeans, four tops, two dresses, a blazer, black heels (A/N Plus whichever I other clothes I mention later on in the story) and sandals later, Iris and I are exhausted, but finished. I have no idea why she insisted on me buying a few formal outfits, but she told me it was a surprise.
I make a mental note to thank Cisco for making sure my credit card works on this Earth, without it I would have been limited to the fifty dollars I had in cash in my wallet.

Iris and I decide to grab lunch before heading back to her house. We go to Big Belly Burger and sit down at a table. After ordering, we start to talk.

"So, Sydney, tell me more about yourself. Seeing anyone? Oh, wait, don't answer that! Let's talk about Barry." She teases.

I groan.

"I had a boyfriend once, he cheated on me... with a guy."

Iris winces. "Sorry, that must've been awful."

I nod. "What about you?"

Her expression turns sad. As soon as I realise why, I want to kick myself for asking.

"I had a boyfriend, he was a cop." She begins. "He..."

"Iris, it's ok. You don't have to explain. I know. I'm sorry I asked." I hesitate before continuing. "I know I didn't really know him, but... Eddie, he was a good man. Ten minutes of watching him per week could show that. Hell, one second of seeing the way he looked at you could show that. He was brave and selfless."
"Thank you. Really, it means a lot to me that someone knows, and cares, about the sacrifice he made." Iris says, smiling, despite the tears running down her face.

"You're a good person too, Sydney. You're a good friend." She says. I smile, shocked but pleased. I don't know what I would do if Iris didn't like me.


Our burgers arrived and we ate and chatted some more, about topics that were a little more lighthearted though.

After we finished, Iris and I picked up our many shopping bags and drove home. Well, Iris drove and I stared out the window and marvelled at the not-made-up city she lived in.


When we pulled up at Iris's house, I got half of the shopping bags and she took the other half. We walk up to the door and Iris unlocks it with her key. We walk in and are met with a flustered Barry.

"Sydney! Just the person I wanted to talk to." He says.

"Barry, are you alright?" I ask, setting down my shopping bags.

"Oh, yeah, of course. I just ran to the precinct and back and my shoes caught fire."

I smile, thinking of Barry stomping his feet frantically, and ask, "Why were you going to the CCPD, I thought today was your day off?"

"It is, and I wasn't going for work. Well, not for my work."

I frown, confused.

"I was thinking, since we don't know how long you're going to stay on this Earth for, it would be a good idea for you to get a job. So I thought about what you said about specialising in Computer Sciences, and Captain Singh is willing to hire you as the new secretary at the CCPD, starting tomorrow, if you'd like to?"

I smile, happy that Barry had thought of my financial issue: my savings account wouldn't last forever.

"Of course, I'd love the job," I accept, but I realise something else. "I'll still be able to help you guys at S.T.A.R. Labs, right? My computer skills could be useful. I'll be like the Felicity of Team Flash!"

Barry's face shows a flicker of something, before turning to a smile. What was it? Doubt? Concern?

"Of course." He says, no sign of the mystery emotion.

I am bubbling with joy, and my face clearly displays it. Tomorrow I am going to start my first day at the CCPD!


OMG this story has 190 reads! Thank you! Last chapter I was ranting about over 120 and it's already gone up by 60! Wow!

Random statement: can we all just take a moment to love Iris for being Sydney's friend? 😍😍😍
Can we also love me for making a chapter that's over 900 words? 😂😂😂😂

Also, I would really appreciate it if you could check out my other two Fanfics: "An Unlikely Love" is a Sebastian Smythe Fanfic, and "Broken" is a Grant Gustin one. I don't really like to advertise my stories, but "Broken" isn't getting many reads. I think it has like 3. 😢😥

Lastly, I just wanted to say that
means a time skip, in case anyone is confused!

That's all!
- Miranda ❤️💛💚💙💜💗💖💕

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