Chapter 4 - Uh... what?

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The Question: Where am I? The Answer: I have no idea, but it somehow feels familiar.

And then I remember.

Oh, my God. I'm actually living in The Flash. For a second I had thought it was all a dream. But it wasn't. This is real.

After getting over my mini panic attack, I walk down the stairs and immediately pick up the smell of pancakes in the air. When I walk into the kitchen/dining room, I am met with an energetic Barry Allen, flipping multiple pans containing pancakes at superspeed.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook! I've only ever thought of you as the nerdy and clumsy Barry Allen." I say.

"Well, I guess there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me. Not everything can be shown through a screen." he replies, turning around and smiling and at me.

I fight to contain a laugh as the smell of smouldering pancakes fills the air.
"Maybe I wasn't so wrong after all." I retort, as I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement any longer.

He quickly spins around and takes all four pans of pancakes off of the stove.
Barry signs and takes out his phone.

"I'll call Joe and tell him to pick up some takeaway breakfast on his way back from the early morning patrol.

"No need." I say, snatching the phone out of his hand and laying it on the table. I open the pantry and fridge and look over what I have to work with.

"You've got bread, eggs, bacon, beans and a toaster." I say, taking the ingredients and putting them on the table as I name them.

His eyes light up when he realising what I'm planning. "Eggs and bacon on toast!"

"Gold star, Mr. Allen! Now come on, let's get to work. You may be a suckish cook, but I'm not.


Only an hour later, I am standing in the Cortex at S.T.A.R. Labs, surrounded by Team Flash.

I am wearing a S.T.A.R. Labs T-Shirt, along with the same jeans as yesterday - Iris and I haven't gone on our shopping trip yet.

"So, Sydney, tells us a little more about yourself. I mean, you've told us the basics, but we want to really get to know you. Any hobbies, favourite things, perhaps a boyfriend?" Cisco says with a wink.

I laugh. "Uh, no. I don't have a significant other, well, unless you count my cat. Not romantically though. As for the hobbies part, my career path is computer science, but I also really love to read and write. My favourite colour is light blue, favourite food is ice-cream, um, my favourite movie is 'A Mother's Nightmare'" I blush at that last one.

"She's lying, no movie can cause a girl to blush like that!" Cisco accuses.
"Well, I have like a major celebrity crush on this guy, he's pretty famous and would never notice me though." My eyes dart to Barry for a split second before staring back at the floor.

"And you said that your favourite TV show is 'The Flash' right?" Barry confirms.

"Yeah, but Arrow, Supergirl and DC's Legends of tomorrow all come super close."

Everyone except Iris looks extremely confused, so I repeat everything that I had explained to Iris the previous day.

"Yeah, so Arrow started in 2012, The Flash in 2014 and both Supergirl and Legends in 2015, but you all do crossovers into each other's shows." I finish.
Everyone is staring at me like I've grown a second head.

"Uh... what?" Cisco says, his expression meme-worthy.


OMG this story has 68 reads (so far)! Thank you all so much!!!

By the way, I'm not actually sure if Barry still lives with Iris and Joe at this point in The Flash because I haven't seen Season 2 in ages, but, for this story, he does.

Also, if you were confused, "A Mother's Nightmare" is a real movie that Grant Gustin (the actor who plays Barry Allen) stars in. So Sydney was embarrassed because her favourite movie was pretty much the only one that Grant Gustin stars in, cause he mostly does TV shows.

Lastly, you may or may not know that I have a book called "Info 'bout Me". It's basically just a bunch of random stuff like rants, tags, or letting you know a little more about myself. Anyway, I posted a new part called "Story Ideas", which is exactly what the title implies. Please, please, please have a look at it, and give some feedback!!! I'm open to criticism! The stories that people like will be written first.

Until next chapter,
- Miranda ❤️💛💚💙💜💗

PS I'm really sorry for all the super long Author's Notes, It won't be like this for every chapter, I promise!

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