Chapter 2 - Celebrity Crush

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"... and then I woke up here, on an Earth where my favourite TV show is a reality." I say, finishing the story for Cisco, Joe, Iris, Jesse and Harry.

"So you're from another Earth, just like Jesse and I." Harry concludes. I nod.

"Wow, so we're all fictional characters on your Earth. That's dope." Cisco adds. I smile. "Barry, you do realise that I know who you are and what you look like, you don't have to wear the mask."

"Right, I forgot." he says and pulls of the mask. "Anyway, Sydney-" Barry continues to talk but I can't hear him anymore. Wow. I had almost forgotten how cute his grin is, and the way his eyes sparkled when he was enthusiastic about something. "Uh, Sydney?" Barry said, interrupting my daydream. "Yes! Sorry, um, can you repeat that please?"

"Yeah, sure: I was wondering how you got through the breach, if you aren't a speedster."

"Oh, well you said that I was thrown through, so maybe a speedster brought me here, for some reason?"

"Yeah, I guess. But what if-"

"Sydney, could I talk to you for a minute?" Iris cuts in.

"Sure" I say and follow her into the hallway.

"What?" I ask, noticing the way Iris was staring at me. A smile crept onto her lips, "You like him, don't you?" She says. "I-I. No! Of course not!"

She just laughs and raises her eyebrows. I sigh. "Ok, I'll explain, but you can't tell him, alright?" Iris nods. "Well, the truth is, even though I studied computer science, writing has always been a huge hobby of mine, and I started to get into writing stories about my favourite books and TV shows, The Flash, in particular. I always fantasised about meeting Grant Gustin, never imagining I could meet Barry Allen! To be honest, he's my celebrity crush! And, well..." I look back into the cortex, where I could see Barry talking with Joe, "He's just as handsome in real life." I gasp, realising what I had just admitted, and look at Iris worryingly. "I mean he's, ah" I try to think of what to say, but Iris just laughs again.

"It's ok, Sydney. I won't tell, but you and Barry should really go on a date." I snort. "I'm stuck on the wrong Earth and you're worrying about setting us up?"

I hear a laugh behind me. "That's Iris, always the MatchMaker. Who's she setting up this time?" Barry asks.

"Uhh, she's setting me up with a friend of mine," I lie. Barry frowns. "You have friends on an Earth you only just woke up on?" I feel my cheeks heat up, knowing he had caught me out on a lie. Barry's lips curl into a grin, and I can see Iris trying not to laugh in the corner of my eye. "Anyway, Caitlin would like to run a few more tests to make sure that you're completely healthy and then you should probably get some rest. Since you probably don't have a place to stay, you're welcome to stay with Iris, Joe and I, if you want to?" I stare at him for a moment. He wants me to come stay with him? Well, it's not like you have anywhere else to go, do you? I swallow my doubts and say "Thank you, that's very nice of you, both of you," I add, looking at Iris.

When Barry, Iris and I walk back into the cortex Caitlin beckons me back into the med bay. "Ok, so you're perfectly normal, as far as I can tell, however, you do have a very small amount of trans-dimensional energy (a/n Don't ask me what that is, I had to make up some kind of name for it) in your blood. It's probably just left over from when you came through the breach, but I'd still like to run a few more tests." After receiving my approval, Caitlin takes a fresh sample of my blood and starts to run her tests.


20 minutes later, Caitlin is finished.

"Ok, I've finished running the tests, but the results are taking longer than I predicted so you can go and get some rest and come back tomorrow, and they should be finished." Caitlin explains. "Alright, sounds good," I say and turn to look at Barry. "You ready to go?" he asks me. I manage a weak nod as the full extent of what is really happening dawns on me.

I am in S.T.A.R. labs with Team Flash, and am about to leave to go to the West Household.

In the words of Cisco, this is dope.


Yay! Here is the second chapter, finished!

Thank you to my 6 readers (although I think two of them are my parents and one is me) who have read the first chapter, and I really hope you enjoyed it!

Until the next chapter,

- Miranda xx

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