Chapter 1

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Hi guys!!! This is my first story ever. All the rights of this story are reserved to the author and that's me -- one and only Julie Parker! English is not my first language. So.. please forgive me for typos and grammar mistakes. Please please and pleaseee vote and comment.
Enjoy the story...
Love you!!

"Miss. Brown, have you got answer for the problem?"
Mrs. Smith's, our Maths teacher's, voice pulled me out of the trance.

"Yes Ma'am", I said. "Explain it on the board" I groaned and along with me the whole class! Don't be surprised. This was the routine in Maths class for past three years.

We would go to Maths class , Mrs. Smith would give us problems to solve, no one would write a single number in their notebooks, of course except me , then she would call me to explain the problems on the board, and being the oh-so- sincere student I would write solutions on board and all others would copy it...

I agree I am studious and sincere and intelligent and blah blah, the way school has been describing me for these three years, but I can be a normal teenaged girl who doesn't have a little bit of interest in Maths.

And here this woman has been telling me to do this PROBLEM SOLVING crap for whole three years. Dude for God's sake have some pity on the poor girl..

"Miss. Brown? Don't be so shy.. Come forward young lady." Shy and ME!! This woman is really off her rocker.

I huffed and at last pulled myself off the seat , adjusted my glasses and went to the board . I started to explain and to no surprise anyone hardly paid me any attention except Mrs. Smith and one or two first benchers..

I was really amused by these first benchers. I mean how can someone be literally in front of the teachers for six hours of school!!!

I am ranker of the school but this.. sitting on first bench thing, is beyond my reach. I always sit near to wall wearing my favorite hoodie so no one can notice me but all my efforts were always found to be fruitless when Maths lecture would start.

After 15-20 minutes all solutions were on the board. Everyone started copying them. I turned to go back to my place as there were only 10 minutes for recess and I had to pack my bag ; but Mrs. Smith stopped me.

She stood and said " Students , I am going to make an important announcement."

"As you all know, this year is the Golden Jubilee year of our school, there are going to be various competitions throughout the year. "

"We all teachers are going to be busy in arrangements and all , so every teacher is going to appoint a class monitor for their subjects."

" This monitor will check the homework and assignments of students and will submit the work of whole class to the teacher on a particular day. "

"The monitor will have right to not let students enter into the classroom without their works. He/ She will tutor weak students as per teacher's instructions."

"As you all know , Miss. Emily Brown here is very sharp in Mathematics and also a very sincere and trustworthy student. So to my great pleasure, I am appointing her as Maths monitor for this class!!!"

Holy Crap!!!

So ,how was the first chapter ? How will she react? What difficulties will she face? Wanna know? Wait for the next chapter. And please please vote and comment. Just one request, I appreciate your opinions but please don't be rude while commenting.

So till the next meeting...

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