Chapter Three

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The nurse walks into the waiting room and calls my name, but I don’t get up. She calls my name again, but still I do nothing. She calls my name one last time, first and last, but I don’t move. Jake stands up and says, “She’s over here. Could you give her a minute?”

                “Sure, no problem,” she says then walks into the back room.

                “Katie,” he sits back down in the chair next to mine. “I know you’re scared but you have to go back there.”

                “I don’t want to.”

                “I know you don’t,” he stands up and reaches his hand out to me. “But you have to.”

                I take his hand and he helps me up.

                He pulls me into a hug once I’m up. He holds me tight and whispers, “I know you’re scared but you have to do this. I’m gonna be out here the whole time and if you want me to come back I will. Okay?”

                “Okay,” I give him a squeeze and go back.

                Once I’m back there I wait four minutes till the doctor comes in. When she comes in we go over my family medical history. Then she takes my blood pressure, a urine sample and some blood. The last thing she does is an ultrasound. After she’s done with the ultrasound she asks if there is anybody with me and I tell her Jake.

                When Jake comes back he looks at the ultrasound then at me. “That’s ours,” I say then burst into tears.

                The whole fifteen minute ride home I cry. Once we pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex the tears lighten up. We sit in the car until I calm down. When the tears stop Jake says, “So what’s next?”

                “I tell Adam I need an abortion.” I look over at Jake and see him looking down in his lap. “Are you okay?”

                “I didn’t think you were gonna abort it.”

                “What else did you think I was planning on doing if it was yours?”

                “Adoption maybe,” he looks up at me, “but never abortion.”

                “Why would I want to carry your kid? I mean it was a major mistake that we sleep together let alone conceived.” I wait for him to respond but he doesn’t.

               When my hand goes for the door he finally speaks up, “Just know that if you decide to carry it or even keep it that I’m here…for both of you.”

                His words soon bring me to tears as I get out of his car.

“Hey babe,” I hear Adams voice as he walks in. “I got your favorite for dinner, Chinese.”

                I get off the couch and go into the kitchen. The minute I smell the food I run out of the kitchen and into the bathroom.

                When I come out Adam is sitting on the couch eating, “You okay?”

                “Yeah, just a part of being pregnant,” I say as I walk into the kitchen to grab a box of food.

                “How did your appointment go?”

                I join him on the couch and take a bit of food, not wanting to discuss the issue. “It went,” I finally say.

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