Chapter Five

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I come home on Friday night at nine to see Jake and Adam on the couch playing Call of Duty. “Hey babe, hey Jake,” I say as I walk into the living room.

                “Hey, baby,” Adam says and pauses the game. He gets up, walks over to me, and kisses me.

                “Hey, Katie,” Jake says when Adam pulls away. When he moves back to the couch Jake says, “Wow Katie you got a little bump going on.”

                I look down and see a little bump. With my work shirt and tighter shirts you could tell I was in the early stages of pregnancy.  “Well I am four months already. It’s about time it starts to show.”   

                “Four months already?” he said clueless.

                “Yeah, it seems so hard to believe,” I place my hand on my stomach.

                “Well, while you two talk about the baby I’m gonna go take a pee,” he gets up and heads towards the bathroom.

                “How are you feeling?”

                “Okay I guess. I mean the only bad thing is I get really uncomfortable when Adam awes over the baby and my stomach.”

                “Yeah, I could see that happening.”

                “Yeah,” I look down at my bump then back at him. “Well I’ll let you and Adam get back to your game.” I then leave to the bedroom. On my way I pass Adam.

                “Hey baby,” he stops me by pulling me into him. “How was work?”

                “Long, very, very long,” I answer.

                “When did you eat dinner?”

                “About seven, why?” I give him a confused look.

                “Well I figure we could have dinner when you got home but Jake came over. I was waiting for you to come home and I was gonna go get a pizza because I haven’t eaten yet.”

                “Oh, well why don’t you go run and get a pizza then. I’m sure Jake would love some.”

                “Alright, what kind do you want?”

                “I’m not hungry, get whatever you want. I think I might go to bed.”

                “Okay,” he kisses me. “Goodnight.”

                “Goodnight,” I smile. I then break his lock and head to our bedroom.     

                Once I’m in the bedroom I strip down to my bra and panties. I go look in the full length mirror on the back of the door. As I look my eyes travel to my stomach. I run my hands over the small bump. That’s my baby. That’s my baby growing inside.

                While I continue to run my hands over my stomach I feel hot tears run down my face. As my tears flow by there is a knock at my door, “Hey Katie, can I talk to you for a minute?” I hear Jake.

                I wipe my tears away and say, “Yeah, I’ll be there in just a second.” I hurry and grab my robe. I quickly tie it shut and open the door.

                He walks in and looks at me, “Can we talk for a minute?”

                “Yeah, sure, what's up?”

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