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Hello, person!

Welcome to the book of Soul Stories. This is where you can find heartfelt stories about people, dead or alive. A few will be stories I know, and some stories that you readers submit.

If you're interested in submitting a story, please read the following. If you're not interested and just want to read the stories, you can skip ahead to the next part/chapter(whatever you want to call it).

Rules and Requirements:

1) The story must be wholly true.

2) The story can be about yourself or someone you know personally.

3) The story can be about anyone dead or alive.

4) To submit a story, private message me and we can sort out the details.

5) You must not contain more than a maximum of five cuss words in your story. I understand people cuss in real life, but what matters is the gist of the story, not necessarily the exact words.

6) Keep in mind I have the right to choose to put your story on this book or not.

Can you check off all of the above? Great! Go ahead and send me a private message. I'll try and respond as quick as I can. :)

Soul StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now