Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

The next day was a little weird at first.  I slept in late, and so Gina walked in and I was on the floor.  I think that weirded her out a bit.

“Do the beds not work?”  She had really nice shoulder length hair that she died a bright, fiery red, like Adrianna Grande, only her face wasn’t so sweet.  She had this mischievous look about her, like she was planning a grand heist, and she had a nose piercing and three earrings in one ear.

She showed up with just two huge suitcases, which was different from the ten boxes (at least) I had.

“Hi!  You must be Gina!”

She smiled weakly.  “I must be.”  She took my hand that I held out to her and shook it a little bit.  “Um, Lainey, right?”



She turned to look at the room.  “Um, which side do you want?”


“Okay.  I didn’t want to…” I started but she just started unpacking.  She was one of those girl who didn’t seem to talk much.  “Um, why don’t I just turn on some music?  What do you like?”

“Got any flyleaf?”

“Only the Memento Mori CD.”

“That’s fine.”

I turned it on and Beautiful bride came on through the speakers.  She started singing and she wasn’t bad, but she wasn’t great.

“So, um, after I unpack, I have to go shopping.  My friend volunteered me for a blind date, and I need a dress for some fancy restaurant date.

“Hey, can I come?  I might as well learn to get around town.  And, besides, it could be good to hang out.”

“Uh, sure.”  We unpacked for a while and at noon we decided to go get lunch at the mall, putting off cafeteria food and ramen noodles another day.

When we were in my car, I opened my mouth to speak, leaving the music off.

“So, you’re not from here, huh?”

“No.  I’m from Cali, actually.”

“Wait.  So you grew up in California, and decided to come to Maryland for college.”

She frowned.  “Yeah, I guess.  I always liked smaller towns.  Not much into the whole busy beach scene.”

“You rich?  Cause this place is the most expensive out of state tuition in the country.”

“Yeah, well I’m not poor.”

I was quiet, hoping I didn’t offend her.  I probably shouldn’t have brought up money.  “So what are you majoring in?”

“Um, business.  You?”

“Creative writing.”  She was really quiet when I was.  Either it was just weird and we needed to get to know each other, or this was going to be a quiet year.

When we got to the mall, I dragged her to my favorite Chinese food place in the food court.  I told her what to order, and then went to McDonalds.  I would have gotten Chinese food, but I had just had some last night, so I wasn’t interested.  I just got a chicken sandwich and a large Pepsi and went to find Gina.  She was sitting in a corner, waiting for me.

“You seem awfully quiet.  Tell me about yourself, seriously.  Talk to me!”

“Um, okay.  This Chicken is good.”

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