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Jyn's POV

Where am I? Everything is so dark. There is nothing or nobody that can be seen. But what is that noise? It's very faint but it's there. Almost like the sound of water. What's that smell? Is it smoke? What is happening? Why can I hear and smell but not see? I try to move but I can't, everything hurts. Suddenly something appears in the distance. A light. It starts getting bigger and closer. Before I know it everything around me is flooded with light.

I try to get my eyes to focus on where I am. It's ... different from the place before that place was dark this place is bright. But it does have the same smell and sound. I try to move again but I get the same result pain. I can't sit still forever. I have to find out what is going on. I force myself to fight through the pain. I manage to sit up I turn my head looking around trying to find out where I am. There is something familiar about this place. I've been here before. But it's different now. Everything is destroyed and there is a dark smoke in the air.

I begin trying to think. I can't remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is being in an elevator with... Cassian. Then it hits me. I am on Scarif. All the memories come back to me. But how? I should be dead! I saw the blast. It was coming right for us.

Then suddenly I remember.


Where is Cassian?

(REWRITING) Life After Death A Star Wars Story Where stories live. Discover now