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Cassian's POV

We were getting closer and closer as we walked the tent got bigger and bigger. Me and Jyn have decided to go back to the rebellion or at least we'll try....they think we're dead! Plus who knows if we will be able to get a ship! If we can't we'll have to some other way out of here.

After about two hours of walking we finally make it to the base I look over at Jyn she had a huge smile on her face she looked very hopeful. We would have gotten here earlier but it's kinda hard for both of us to walk right now plus we almost got caught by a stormtrooper good thing they aren't very smart.

We try to stay low and make sure nobody sees us we need to find a way to get in there without getting shot I look at Jyn again and she has a smirk on her face this time. I smile "any ideas?" I ask

"Yeah we can kill someone and steal their outfits"

"Isn't that what we did last time?"

"It worked didn't it?"

I nod my head. Man she is a quick thinker! She is going to make a great rebel!

"Okay you see that guy over there?" She says pointing at a stormtrooper "You go knock him out and steal his suit I will get the other guy."

"Okay I'm on it!" I quietly sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his neck I rip his helmet off then knock his head on the side of a crate. It didn't kill him... or at least I don't think it did. I pull him behind some trees and steal his armor. Good thing they wear clothes under the armor or this would be even more awkward then is already is! I put the helmet on and look out to see Jyn in a stormtrooper suit too.

"Are you ready?" She asks

"I sure am!"

We walk into the tent and realize that it is a lot bigger then it looks it went underground. It doesn't shock me they have an underground base they are probably everywhere we just can't see them it's just another way for them to spy on everybody.

"Where do you think the ships are?" Jyn asks

"I don't know...maybe we should walk around and look."

"That's a good idea!"

We walk around for awhile we didn't split up because we didn't want to loose each there are so many stormtroopers here and they all look the same. We turn down a hall are enter a room with a huge part of the roof missing there are also many ships around us.

"We found it!" I say

Too bad I can't see Jyn's face right now she is probably freaking out! Something that I have really started to like is Jyn's smile it's so beautiful and perfect! I know it sounds weird because we are only friends but there is just something about her!

We walk over to a ship and try to get in it but we are stopped by a man in an imperial uniform.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks

"Our shift is over." Jyn says

"If your shift is over you go to your cabins!" The officer says with a rude tone

"We were given orders to go back to the Death Star!" I say

"Really? Because it blew up yesterday!" He says

"WHAT?!" Me and Jyn say at the same time. It worked! They got the plans! They did it! This means the galaxy actually has hope!

You could tell the imperial was getting angry because he came closer to us then ripped off our helmets!


Stormtroopers start shooting at us and some imperial droids start running towards us we jump in the ship and try to take off.

We finally take off but TIE fighters chase us "Jyn can you fire at them?" I ask

"I think so!" She shoots two of them then the blaster quits working

We fought them off the best we could then we go into lightspeed

"We can't go back to Yavin yet they might be tracking us." I say

"So where are we going?"

"To a planet called Naboo its not far from here."

"Okay how long do we stay there?"

"A day so two... we can fix up the ship and disable the tracker."

"Good plan!" She says with a smile

Sorry this chapter was kinda short

(REWRITING) Life After Death A Star Wars Story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu