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Jyn's POV

It was late I don't know what time exactly I just knew it was late. The stars and moon were out and Cassian was asleep as for me I was only half asleep my mind won't quit racing. What did Cassian mean by
" I don't want anything to happen to you? It wasn't his job to keep me safe anymore! Come to think of it he didn't need to protect me once we got to Saw he could have left me on Jedha He didn't need me anymore but he came back for me and got me off of there before it blew like he cared or something. All of the sudden I hear a loud sound coming from the sky I open my eyes and see a TIE fighter fly across the sky! Why are they here? Isn't the base gone? I hope they don't find us... then it hits me! We could steal one! We could find where they are going and get out of here! Should I wake Cassian up?

I decide to let him sleep so he won't be tired tomorrow I have a feeling we will have to do a lot of walking and with his injury it's hard for him to walk plus I am very tired too and should probably get some sleep.

When morning arrives and I wake up to raindrops hitting me I walk over to Cassian to wake him up.

"Cassian!" I say while I shake him

"What!" He shouts

"Okay 1 it's morning and 2 I saw a ship fly by last night!"

"Did you really? Or were you just dreaming?"

"You don't believe me?!" I saw a ship I'm not crazy!

"I know you aren't crazy! But the base is gone now!"

"I was wondering that last night! But nonetheless ships are on the planet and we could try to steal one!'

"Okay where were they going?"

"That way!" I say pointing behind me.

"Then that's where we are going!" He says with a smile

"Yay! Let's go!" I say while

As we start walking the rain starts to come down more the sand it kinda slippery it feels like am walking on mud!

"How is your side?" Cassian asks

"It isn't bleeding that much anymore."

"That's good! I was worried about you!"

"How are you?" I ask

"Me? I'm fine!"

"Really? Because you fell over 30 ft a couple of days ago!"

"Oh yeah... I did... I feeling better."

"Well that's good but I think you still need medical attention I think you might have a concussion."

"I'm sure I'm fine!"

"You hit your head like five times!"

Cassian looks at me and smiles then rolls his eyes. Hopefully we can get a ship without getting arrested and hopefully Cassian knows how to fly a TIE fighter!
Wow I have been very paranoid lately!

"Are you up to fighting some stormtroopers? Because we might run into some!" He says

"I always am! It's one of my hobbies!"

"Is the other one fighting people you run into on the street?"

"Hey! That guy ran into me then blamed me for it!" I was going to let him get away with it! I shout

He laughs at me and shakes his head.
I think he might like me.... or do I like him? What am I thinking we are just friends! Right? Yes we are just friends! And that's it!

We continue to walk and start to see a building or something like a building it look kinda like a huge tent! Maybe a temporary base or something. I turn my head to see a stormtrooper coming up to us with us blaster!

"Cassian we have to hide!" I whisper


"I said we have to hide!" I say in a normal tone I grab Cassian's hand and pull him behind a pile of dead trees.

"What is going on! Why do we have to hide?" He whispers

"I saw a stormtrooper... I don't think he saw us though!

"Okay good I'm glad you saw him in time!"

"Me too maybe we should stay here for awhile just to be sure he is gone when we get up"

"Good idea"

We sit behind the pile of trees for about ten minutes then we decide to walk again.

As we walk we start to talk again before we have nothing else to do! So talking keeps us from loosing our minds! I can't be left alone with my own mind! And that is  scary to think about!  But I'm not regretting anything! I mean we helped the rebellion have a fighting chance! I am out of the labor camp now I'm free! I can go anywhere! Or can I? The empire is probably going to come after us... and the rebellion might need us again... so I'm not really free because nobody is free in the galaxy someone is always after you. You are never safe. Nobody knows what's going to happen within the next year! Nobody knows what's going to happen within the next couple of hours! How do they believe this is order? How do they believe what they are is right? They are so stupid! We need to stop them! So does that mean we are going back to the rebellion? I need to ask Cassian. I'm sure he wants to keep fighting but you never know what someone is thinking maybe we will end up at different parts of the galaxy! That thought makes me kinda sad.

"Umm Cassian?"

"Huh what is it?"

"If we find a ship where do we go?

"I don't know the empire will probably be after us.

"Could the rebellion help?"

"The rebellion? They do what they can... do you want to go there?"

"I've been thinking about it... but I don't know if they would want an Erso working for them.

"They don't care what your last name all they want is people who believe in what they are doing!"

"I care! I hate the empire and want to do something about it!"

"Well then you are a rebel!"

I smile at what he just said. "You are a rebel" I am a rebel! It feels right! I look at Cassian and nod my head.

"Lets do it! We are going to go back to the rebellion!

(REWRITING) Life After Death A Star Wars Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt