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Cassian's POV

We have to get ready they are on their way! They are probably almost here!

"Jyn get in the ship."


"Get in the ship an I will keep a look out!"

"No I'm staying with you!"

She isn't going to listen...I need to keep her safe no matter what! I have a plan but she isn't going to like it....

"Okay fine but could you at least go get us some more weapons?"


She walked inside of the ship and goes into the room with the weapons. I quietly follow behind her. I close the door behind her and lock it.

She tries to open the door for a minute and then starts to hit it.


"Nope you are staying in there!"


"Okay but after I get rid of them!"

She keeps hitting the door and shaking the door knob. I roll my eyes and run out of the ship and see TIE fighters landing a couple miles away. They are here part of me was hoping they would have just let us go but I knew the won't they must not have anything better to do....

I'm just going to wait here because I have nowhere else to go I see stormtroopers getting closer and closer they have their blasters ready. This may be the end.....they may capture me I just hope they don't find Jyn.

There is something special about her ever since I met her I have felt different like she has somehow changed me. I have kinda become obsessed with her and making her she is safe.

I must have been thinking about Jyn longer then I thought because by the time I snapped out of it the stormtroopers were very close.

"FREEZE!" The stormtrooper yells

I drop my blaster and put my hands in the air.

"Okay okay I'm frozen"

"Rebel scum! Take him away!" The leader says

"Okay sir where to?" The other stormtrooper asks
"To the base!" The leader yells annoyed

"Yes sir!"

"And you search the ship! He says to another trooper

That's just great! They are going to find Jyn! Hopefully she puts up a fight! She probably will knows her.

I didn't know they had a base on Naboo.
Then again this is where the emperor is from it only makes sense the empire would take it over. They took me inside then threw me into cell. I'm going to have to escape somehow I'm not going to let them win!

Vader's POV

We finally found the rebels we were looking for! They were foolish to steal those plans! They will pay!

I don't know why they decided to keep them on Naboo. This is an awful planet! But I needed to come back eventually.

I'm going to go speak with the rebel and see if I can any information from him.

I walk to his cell and the door slides open.

"Hello captain"

"What do you want from me?" He asks

"I want answers! Where are the rebels?"

"I'm not going to tell you!" Plus I don't know anymore!"

"Very well we will just have to torture you till you tell us!"

"You'll try!"

We send a interrogator droid to torture him

"Lord Vader we found a girl in the ship!" An officer tells me

"Bring her to me!"

They bring her into a small room shackles on her hands

"Jyn Erso"

"That's me" she says

"I have some questions about your father."

"Not this again!" She says rolling her eyes

"How long were speaking to each other?"

"I wasn't speaking to him he just sent me that message a couple weeks ago."

"So you haven't been speaking to for the last fifteen years?

"Of course not! I thought he was dead! And thanks to you guys now its true!"

"No need to get angry Erso it's just basic questions."

"Well am sorry if am a bit upset that you guys killed my whole family, all my friends and almost killed me!"

"Take her to a cell until she calms down!" I yell to a stormtrooper

The droid didn't work on the captain we probably aren't going to get answers from them but we can still make them suffer and get our revenge!

"Hello again" I say sarcastically

"What do you want now?"

"Nothing I'm here to tell you the plans we have for you."

"Okay what your plan?"

"You going to remain our prisoner."

"What about Jyn?" He asks worried

"She's going back to the labor camp."


"That's where she belongs!"

"No it isn't! Send me to the labor camp and let her stay here!"

"And why should I do that?"

"Because-look....haven't you ever cared about anyone?"

Those words hit me with pain! But why? I have never cared about anyone but Anakin has!

"Look I really care about Jyn! But I know you don't care!"

My thoughts start to drift to Padme this is where she was from. This is where we got married. This is where we were going to rise our child. I lost both of's something that still haunts me even after nineteen years I should have protected them! I shouldn't have let them die!
NO! This is not me thinking! Its Anakin! I can't let myself get weak!

"Hello? Are you going to say anything?" The rebel asks

"My mind is made up! You are stay here and she is going to back to the labor camp!" I say then I storm off

Hours pass and I still can't get my mind off Padme it's driving me crazy! She is dead I have to accept that! I failed! I killed her! I need to get off this planet as soon as possible! I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize that an officer was yelling at me I snap out of it and start listening to the officer.

"Lord Vader the rebel have escaped!" He says worried

"How did they do that?" I ask

"The girl killed troopers then broke her friend out! They stole a ship! What should we do?"



"We will find them eventually! For now let them be! That's an order! I can't stay here much longer the emperor needs me! We need it start our search for the boy who blew up the Death Star!"

"Are you sure sir?"

"Yes! Now get my ship!"

I am never returning to this awful planet it makes me weak!

(REWRITING) Life After Death A Star Wars Story Where stories live. Discover now