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Mon's POV

Our mission was successful both of them but something is still bothering me. The fact that so many lives were lost because of this war. We lost many good rebels too we have some new rebels but they don't replace the ones we lost. Many of my friends are gone and it's hard not to show emotion but I have to stay strong for the rebellion. Bail is gone a close friend of mine I've known for years his daughter Leia is trying to pretend like she's alright but I know she not I've known her since she was a baby so I can tell when she's upset. She goes into her cabin for hours and her eyes always look red after she comes out she grieving over the loss of her home planet lucky she has some new friends who are always there for her well Solo not too much he's usually off with his Wookiee friend but Skywalker is always there it seems. Almost like he can sense when she's upset.

But one rebel keeps going through my head Cassian Andor who died at the battle of Scarif. It hurts to know he's gone I remember when he first came here he was only six years old. He was so determined to help and be a rebel. By the time he was twelve he had reprogrammed an imperial droid the thing ever left his side they were a team. Anytime Cassian had a mission the droid would go with him. One time on Cassian's twentieth birthday the droid threw him a party it didn't go very well of course but it was amazing to see a droid act that way to a living being.

The rebellion is going to have a memorial for the Rogue One team and for anyone else who fought for the rebellion and lost their life. This is late but things have been busy here since the Death Star blew up we haven't had the chance yet.

"Mon I need to talk to you about something." General Draven shouted for a couple feet away.

I walk over to him wondering what possibly could be going on. I go into the room he directed me into and sit down.

"What is it general?"

"We haven't been able to receive any transmissions through past couple of hours and we have many rebels on missions that need to contact us."

"Have you tried the backups?"

"Yes but they say it's too weak of a signal."

"Something must be blocking it send some people to check on it."

"We will try ma'am but if doesn't work we will have to get new ones."

"That would be a problem considering that if we buy them from their usual sellers because the Empire would be able to track us down. We would have to buy them off the black market but even then we could get caught."

"Well let's just hope we can fix it. I'm going to go tell some pilots to check it out I'll keep you updated."

"Thank you general."

Cassian's POV

In fifteen minutes we'll be home. Finally after what has felt like forever we are
coming back.

I just hope everything goes well they will probably be upset when they see an imperial ship coming to Yavin we are probably going to get some blasters pointed at us let's just hope nobody gets shot.


"Huh." She says walking into the room

"We will be there in ten minutes."

"Oh thank the Force." She says quietly looking down

"But we still have some problems."

"What is it?"


"Oh yes that."

"And we don't know if they are still using this base we might have to deal with imperials again."

Man I'm really dragging this out don't worry next chapter something good might happen maybe a little Jassian.😏

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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