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I don't know how many people are going to look at this but I hope no one gets upset if I update this a lot and not my other books. I just really need a venting book. Please don't judge me for what I say in this. I am really stressed out right now and this might help me with that. I don't know how I'm going to deal with all the stuff I have to do for school and at home. My mom is still recovering from a hospital stay a while ago and I still feel like Ive got to watch out for her because I almost lost my mom. I have so much work at school that I sometimes feel way to overwhelmed and I can't get away from it. My dad is always reminding me about missing work, my advanced courses are always piling more and more on me, as well as my normal courses. I don't know how I keep going to school and not break down. I only feel calm with my friends (who I have no classes with) and I have to see them at lunch only and I have to go do work at lunch for ap ela. I don't know what I can do to relax more often without something weighing down on me. I miss school and I'm panicking all day about the make up work I have to do, I get a snow day and I can't stop stressing due to social studies giving out homework during those days, over the summer I have a reading project due the second day of school, so I just can't catch a break from work and worry about my education and my family. I almost always have something to do, either school or family, and I'm stressed 24/7 so I don't know what I'm going to do.

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