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I have had so much pressure recently with a lot of projects in school(which is almost over YAY!) but I got them all done but not without the scars. I feel like absolute crap, I know that if anyone I know reads this their going to come up to me tomorrow and be all worried about me. I feel like nobody would care if I disappeared tomorrow even though I know it's not true. I know exactly what this is so I don't need any comments saying what it is. I just need reassurance that someone knows what I'm feeling even if it is just online. I need to feel like someone cares and is willing to tell me. My family are unaware of the way I'm feelings so they aren't very much help so I am kinda relying on you guys to help me out with these feelings. I'm sorry for forcing this responsibility on you guys.

Thanks for reading! See you guys next update! 

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