Seperate - KSimon

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After years of being apart, Simon and JJ meet again: both in a completely unexpected situation.

Word Count: 3101

Simon and Olajide had been best friends for what seemed like forever.

They grew up together, they went to school together, and they were never seen without each other.

But one day, inevitably, their perfect little worlds came smashing down.

It began with Simon's parents.

The tension, the never ending arguments while the young boy was supposed to be asleep, and the nights when his father didn't come home.

It ended with a slip of the tongue in a heated moment.

A courtroom, a boy who missed his father, and a moving truck.

His mother made sure to take him far, far away from the city where they used to live.

"We can turn a new page," she used to tell him. "A new start."

But all the boy could think about was how much he missed his friend, his best friend.

And so he had no choice but to finish school, without his best mate.

To make other friends, friends that didn't quite understand him as well.

To start relationships, relationships with girls that he didn't really like.

But he still thought of the loud, funny, dark skinned boy that had always been by his side.

Surely they had to completely part ways someday.

The blonde boy went on to study criminology.

The dark-haired boy wanted a bit of a thrill.


"Mr. Minter, please report to the Sergeant."

The voice crackled through the radio, startling the tall boy from his rest.

Quickly he drew it out of his pocket, pushing on the button for a reply.

"Yes, sir. I'll be there in a minute."

Simon sighed and stood up, stretching his long legs, stiff from sitting for so long.

He didn't like the job. Well, he did at first. The boy had been overjoyed to be able to study at one of his choice universities, but soon became bored. It was nothing like he had imagined.

Simon headed toward his superior's office. He'd been there a few times already, mostly for assignments, and so he wasn't worried.

The young police officer stopped at the door, knocking twice to be polite.

"Come in!" a gruff voice called out, not at all inviting.

The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing the sergeant. He was a heavyset man, old enough to be Simon's father, and sat in an ancient chair. His hands were folded and placed carefully on the table in front of him, and he looked at Simon expectantly.

Simon's nervous heart pounded in his chest. The elder's facial expression was not something to be happy about.

"Take a seat, lad." The older man gestured toward a slightly dusty chair in front of the desk.

Simon nodded silently and sat down.

"I presume you have no idea why you're here?"

"Yes, sir. Uh, I meant no, sir, I have no idea." The tall blonde mentally grimaced, stumbling on his words out of nervousness.

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