Lion King - ZerkStar

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Word Count: 779

Vik yawned and leaned his head on Josh's shoulder, snuggling into his side. Josh chuckled and pulled the boy closer.

"Asleep?" Simon mouthed to Josh, turning down the volume on the TV in front of them.

Josh nodded back, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around the body next to him.

Next to Simon, JJ apparently thought it would be funny if he also leaned on someone. He placed his head on Simon's shoulder but fidgeted around, trying to make himself comfortable. Simon scowled and glared at his friend when JJ complained(loudly) that the blond boy's shoulders were too bony.

The two bickered quietly, each arguing enthusiastically over Simon's apparently bony shoulders. Josh's face curled into a smile as he glanced down at Vik's peacefully sleeping face, and he too closed his eyes.


Vik wriggled his way out of Josh's grasp, careful not to wake him up. Sure, it was supposed to be movie night at the Sidemen residence, but they would always fall asleep before the third movie had ended.

Vik often took the opportunity to catch up on some of the missing films from his childhood.

He rummaged through the cabinets under the TV, each holding plastic disk cases of the films he and his housemates had collected for this specific occasion. He squinted his eyes in the dim light, trying to make some sense of the blurry letters on the side.

At last, he found what he had been looking for. No time for celebration, Vik cracked the case open as quick as he could. He popped the disk into their TV and took a seat back on the couch, bouncing up and down in anticipation.

The words popped up on the screen after what seemed like ages.

The Lion King

Vik could only grin as the music swelled and the familiar Disney logo lit up before his eyes. This was it; the guys could never tease him again now for not watching the well-known film.

He stared intently at the screen, taking in the music and the animations for the first time in his life. Occasionally, Vik would attempt to whisper through the screen to a character or two, but most of the time he was caught up with absorbing everything in. He recognized some of the audio from short clips he had seen before, and it almost seemed odd to hear these clips pieced together, no spaces or cuts placed between.

Vik was so intent on watching the film that he had unknowingly tuned out the things happening around him.

For starters, Josh had woken up. In his excitement to watch the film, Vik had forgotten about how Josh was a light sleeper and would sometimes awake at seemingly quiet noises. Vik had turned the volume on the TV down, like always, but it was still too much for Josh to sleep through.

Josh didn't want Vik to know he was awake. He was as silent as possible, even controlling his breathing so as not to breathe too loudly. He tried not to move, only craning his neck so he could see what-in-the-world his boyfriend had woken back up for.

When Josh finally caught a glimpse of the screen Vik was staring at, it took all of his power not to let out a chuckle. He settled for a grin so wide that his face actually began to hurt.

After all, Vik's eyes were glued to the TV, focused on the art moving on the screen before him.

And he was watching a... a Disney movie.

The dark haired boy didn't find this hilarious, though. It wasn't exactly funny to him that the 21, almost 22-year-old was up in the middle of the night watching a Disney movie. No, Josh found that it showed an innocent side of Vik, a side that was adorable. Precious.

He smiled again, his head slowly lifting up to get a better view. Absentmindedly, Josh's hand followed suit to swipe his messy hair out of the way.

"Shit." He mouthed. The blanket Vik had lain over him made a noise as his arm moved out of it. In a sort of panic, Josh glanced over to Vik, but the boy hadn't even moved. He sighed inwardly, relieved. Josh carefully moved his hand back to its original position, avoiding any more possibilities for loud noises.

Even though Josh was now in a rather awkard position, his head raised at an uncomfortable angle, he was glad that he could look at Vik without the other boy knowing. And so he watched the boy watch his Disney movie, a loving smile flitting across his face.

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