Part 3

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*farther into the 6th grade*
I've changed a little bit. I've started wearing darker clothes, and I've put black in my hair. Many people have noticed the change. There's also been one big change, that only my friends know about...
I've been cutting myself.
I also had a best friend now besides Erin. It was her step-cousin, Chase.
Chase was like me in a lot of ways. We liked the same music mostly, we were into the same stuff. We always went to this one pizza place down the street, and the park next to it.
Me and Chase had dated before, but we were best friends now. Nothing was really going on anymore.
I was really sad one day. I had just recently found out that I'll be moving to the next state when the school year ends. My mom's boyfriend had done drugs and became a severe alcoholic and my mom had left him. So my mom decided it would be best to move in with my aunt.
One day, Chase and I were on the swings at the park. We were pretty quiet, then all of a sudden, he turned to me.
He asked me out.
I said yes, after deciding that we could talk over social media while I was away.
When I finally told Erin this, she acted...Weird...
"I just don't think you should date him..." Was her excuse.
"Hey, Kailynn?" She started to ask me.
I turned to her. "Yeah?"
She looked up at me. "Do you want to spend the night tonight?"
I thought for a minute. "Sure."
I had just finished packing my clothes. I was in my bathroom. And I was doing it again...
I slid the thin blade across my skin.
Just one more...I thought.
At the top of my wrist, I accidentally scraped some skin off. But I went a bit deeper than I wanted.
"Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath.
I rolled up a few pieces of toilet paper and held them over the bleeding gash in my wrist.
That's when I heard knocking on the door.
"Kailynn," I heard my mom say from the other side of the door. "The car is started. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah!" I responded. "Just let me wash my hands!"
After I heard my mom walk away, I turned on the sink. When the soap reached my hands, it spread to the cut, stinging my wrist.
I clenched my teeth and breathed sharply.
I quickly rinsed and dried my hands and walked out the door, grabbing my bag on the way out.
"See ya, mom." I said as I closed the car door.
Erin was home alone. She opened the door and smiled slightly. Once I saw that my mom had driven away, I turned to her.
"Do you have any paper towels?" I asked, holding my wrist. She looked confused at first, and then her eyes went wide. She looked down just as the blood started to slide down my hand.
She gasped, and practically pulled me inside and into the bathroom.
"Sit down." She told me.
She reached under the cabinet and got a washcloth, then a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
She hesitated as she looked at me, then said "roll up your sleeves."
I hesitated too, then took my jacket off. As the fabric ran across my skin, I winced, which led to a sad looking expression on Erin's face.
She put a lot of hydrogen peroxide on the rag, and then looked at me.
"This might hurt, Kailynn." She said as she looked at my bloody arm.
I nodded my head.
She knelt down in front of me and took a deep breath before placing the washcloth on my arm.
After getting my arms cleaned up, she asked me if I wanted to watch TV, which I agreed to.
We were watching TV for a while, and Erin said almost nothing the whole time.
I looked at her for a second before finally speaking up.
"Hey Erin?" I started to ask.
She looked at me. "Yeah?"
"Was there any specific reason you wanted me to come over?"
She shifted her position on the couch.
"Actually..." She started to say. "There was something I've been meaning to tell you..."
"Oh.." I said. "What is it?"
She took a deep breath.
I stared at her in disbelief.
She liked me?
"Oh um...Well...Erin...I don't know what to say..." I said nervously.
She sighed. "Don't say anything..."
The rest of the night was pretty awkward. We didn't even seem like friends that night...
I hoped I didn't ruin anything...

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