Part 17

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I don't understand what happened. It's been a few months since I've come out of the coma. Me and Erin have drifted apart. We don't talk anymore. And I wondered why. Did I do anything wrong? I knew she was dating Kelly, and I was happy for her, even though I like Erin. But would Kelly have anything to do with me and Erin's friendship? She shouldn't.
It was also Erin's birthday today. She turned 17.
I'm kind of nice, so I decided to text her.
Happy Birthday Erin the text read.
My parents weren't home once again, my brothers with them, and I was in charge of the chores around the house while they were gone.
So after I woke up and texted Erin, since it was only 10 AM, and I didn't expect her to text back anytime soon, I decided to start to get ready for the day.
The reason I didn't expect Erin to text back anytime soon was because even though we haven't talked in a while, I know her. She's excited about spending the day with Kelly. So I'm not going to bother her much.
I got my clothes and phone and headed for the bathroom.
I like to listen to music when I have the house to myself and I'm in the shower. I don't really know why. But I turned on my music, and took like a 20 minute shower before getting out and putting on my grey joggers and fitted black t-shirt, that I probably should get rid of soon, since it fits around my chest kind of tight.
After that, I brushed my teeth, dried my hair, threw it up in a bun, and checked Instagram on my phone for about 10 minutes.
I thought about all of the stuff I had to do before I went to work. Yeah, I had to get a job. My parents said I need to pay off the damages to my car and since I'm fully recovered from my injuries and 16 years old, there was no reason not to have a job. And I managed to get weekend job at Hot Topic. I didn't have to be there until 4, so I have a lot of time to do chores and all that.
I started to do the laundry and wash the dishes, and when I was done with both of those I cleaned up all of the rooms, and was almost completely finished until I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket.
I quickly pulled it out, hoping it was Erin for some reason. Unfortunately, it was my mom.
Hey, when you're done with the chores, do you mind picking up some groceries for dinner tonight? Savings are in the jar on top of the fridge, and the grocery list is on the counter.

I sighed and turned off the vacuum, before putting on my high top black vans and a sweatshirt. I shoved the money in my pocket, along with the grocery list.

At the store, I did get weird looks. They weren't like, dirty looks or anything. More like sympathetic looks. That's when I remembered I was on the news when I went into that coma. Fuck. Do people really remember that still? I guess it is a small town. But it's not like my mom ever talks to anyone in it.

I was heading for the checkout when I heard my name.
"Kailynn!" I turned around to see Erin.
"Erin!" I said back as Erin hugged me. "I thought you were going to you know, spend the day with Kelly. You know, since it's your birthday?"
She shook her head. "Not until way later. So what are you doing here?"
I pointed to the cart. "Just picking up groceries."
She nodded her head. "Cool. I'm just waiting on my mom to pick me up. I went out for a walk with my friend and she found her boyfriend." She laughed.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I can drop you off."
"Really? Thanks so much Kailynn."
"No problem."
Erin texted her mom to tell her I was dropping her off, she helped me put the groceries in the car, and we went on our way.
About halfway to her house, Erin turned to me.
"Hey Kailynn, can I go to your place for a bit before I go home?"

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