Part 16

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It's been 2 months. Kailynn has gained her memory back. She's become just how I remember her. She has her phone back now, but I've added her songs to my playlist.
The one thing she doesn't remember for some reason though ...
Is our talk. And me telling her I love her.
She's oblivious to that.

She thinks I don't remember.
She thinks I didn't hear her.
She thinks I don't remember our talk.
She thinks I don't remember what I said.
But I do.
I almost remember it better, if that's possible.
I love Erin.
How could I possibly forget her?

An hour passed by, and I'm still thinking about what happened.
Not any of the Kailynn stuff.
Kelly asked me out.
And I said yes.
Don't fucking think anything of it.
Do you realize how long I've liked Kelly? She's like, my dream girl. She's perfect in every single way. It's like there isn't a flaw to her.
Besides, Kailynn's not going to get her memory back about her liking me, so what's the point?
Me and Kailynn can always be friends. But Kelly? That's a one in a life time opportunity.
And I was taking it.

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