Part 14

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"NO!" I heard myself scream as the doctors carried Kailynn's hospital bed down the hall.
Kailynn's breathing was getting lighter, and she had trouble breathing.
The doctors said she had a 10% chance of living now.
She was still in the coma, but apparently there was interuptions in her heartbeat and breathing.
She had a 10% chance of living...
I was falling. Endlessly falling. It's felt like that ever since I fell asleep.
I saw Erin's face.
I saw her.
I saw her running toward me.
I saw something holding her back.
My vision went black again.
This time I saw Ryan. I saw Mom. I saw Dad.
They were coming toward me.
A demon-like figure with black fluid coming from its eyes was trying to grab me.
It was trying to take me away.
It was trying to take me away.
He was pulling on my shirt. He was pulling me away from the light.
"WE'RE LOSING HER!" The doctor shouted.
Another doctor shoved him out of the way and hovered over Kailynn. He rubbed together the defribillators and pressed them to her chest.  I saw her upper body slightly lurch forward. And yes, it did scare me a little bit, because it almost seemed like she was in pain. And Lord knows I can't see her in pain. I'll flip out. And that's exactly what I was doing in my head. Flipping. The fuck. Out.
My anxiety levels were rising, and I felt like I was having a panic attack.
And I think I actually was.
Kailynn's mom was doing her best to restrain me from busting through that door. She barely stopped me before I heard the sound of the defribillators being put away and some of the doctors walking out of the room.
I wasn't aloud in the room, but Kailynn's mom was.
When she came out, she looked at me with swollen and puffy eyes.
"They've stabilized her breathing, but her heartbeat is still a bit irregular and her change of living is still uncertain." She said.
So basically, I could still loose her.
"They said it seems like she's almost, half asleep. They've woken her up a little bit. But not all the way. She can hear everything, sense everything, and she's able to know what's going on. But she can't wake up."
She can't wake up.
I heard mumbling. The figure stood a few feet away. He was smiling at me. I heard him snicker, as a grin slid across his face.
"I'm going to take you. I'm going to eat you alive."
I heard a scream.
I didn't recognize this voice screaming at me.

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