Part 10

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I cried so much on the way home I could be considered having a mental breakdown.
I never went to Lindsey's. I went straight home and went in my bed. At this point, no tears would come out. I was sad, but at the same time, I felt nothing. I felt empty.
She would never like me as much as she liked Kelly.
Now, I already knew she liked Kelly. I didn't know she would get over me for her though.
Wait, nevermind. I did.
It all came back to me.
She's always talked to Kelly 10 times more than me.
She was a lot closer with her.
She basically only talked to me in group chats with her when we were dating.
She's always liked her more than me.
While we were friends at school.
While we were dating.
While we were best friends again.
And ever since then.
Erin has always liked Kelly more than me.
And here I was, saying I loved her.
And it got me thinking.
Has she really ever liked me? Or was it all just to keep Kelly from suspecting Erin liked her?
I really don't know anymore.
It was then when my phone rang.
It was Ryan.
I quickly answered it.
"Hello?" I said.
"Kailynn, come outside. I'm out here. I need to talk to you."
I could tell he was dead serious, based on how deep his voice was.
I hung up, and walked outside.
I saw him sitting on the steps to the porch.
I sat down next to him.
"Kailynn, I'm so sorry." He started to say.
"F-for what?" I heard my voice studder. I knew what was coming.
"I'm breaking up with you." He said quickly.
And that was it. The tears were pouring again. He held my hand for a second.
"Just go off and be with Erin." He had a sharp tone in his voice. He then got up, and left.
After around 20 minutes, I left, too. I drove around. There was really nowhere else to go.
The only problem was, that I wasn't paying attention. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, or the road. Before I knew it, I was on the highway. A semi-truck driver passed out at the wheel.
He hit me head on.
I was unconscious.
My vision faded.
And I fell into a deep sleep.
The last thing I heard was the crash of the cars, and the song my radio was playing.
Save me from myself, don't let me drown.

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