Part 8

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I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in.
I yawned slightly as I heard my phone ring.
Everything in me hoped it was Erin. God, I really needed to talk to her.
I picked up the phone and saw that it was my dad.
I sighed before answering.
Me: Hello?
Dad: Hey, Kailynn, we'll be home in around 4 hours.
Me: Okay.
Dad: I was just letting you know.
Me: Okay Dad.
Dad: Okay, love you.
Me: Love you too.
Dad: Bye.
Me: Bye

After I hung up, I barely nudged Ryan.
"Ryan..." I mumbled. "Ryan...Wake up."
He groaned. "Why?" He whined.
"My parents will be home soon." I said.
Ryan sighed and put the rest of his clothes on. He kissed me on the cheek before walking out the door.
A few minutes later, after I was completely dressed, I decided to call Erin. She was so sad last night, and I had no idea why.
I called, and there was no answer.
And I called again, and no answer.
I called a few other times, and no answer.
So me being me, I decided to text her.
Hey, I'm going to keep calling until you answer. So please pick up.
Read 10:21 AM

I called her again, and this time, I heard her pick up the phone.
Her voice sounded shaky and seemed scratchy.
"H-hello?" I heard her barely get out.
"I'll be over in 15 minutes." I said before hanging up the phone.
I quickly ran out to my car and started it.
Well, I was nervous. But at least I could talk to Erin.

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