02: Oh love of my life, I missed you so.

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spluttered. "I thought you were in Ohio!"

"I was," he answered, sitting down next to me. His face was pale and he was wringing his wrists nervously. This seemed like a more appropriate reaction to the situation, not the way I was reacting at all.
"They flew me back early."

"Who did?"

"Uh... these people." He paused, frowning at me. "Why the fuck are you here?"

I hesitated, shifting my gaze to outside the office where Ming-Na and Pete were fighting.

"Do you know?" I asked quietly.

"Know what?"

"About Melanie," I said to him. "What she does-"

"How the fuck do you know?" He gaped at me, his eyes wide with shock. "Are you one of them?"

"What? No," I muttered. "But... Vic is."

"Vic as in -"

"Yes." I snapped. I didn't want to speak about him.

"That's why he wanted you to keep him a secret," Josh breathed.

"That and I didn't want to come out to you guys," I replied, making Josh laugh.

"Why are you handcuffed?" He observed. "Did you swing-arm them or something?"

"No, I actually allowed them to take me like any good hostage. I'm handcuffed because Pete doesn't like me."

Josh looked at Pete and without averting his gaze continued speaking to me. "When did you find out about Vic?"

"When I first met him," I replied smoothly. "He was using my apartment for a mission. What about you?"

"Just before Summer break. I found a gun on her and freaked out," Josh answered, taking the opportunity to glance at me.

"What and she just let everything spill?" I asked. "She didn't try to cover it up or anything?"

"She couldn't really lie to me," Josh shrugged, he looked back at Pete nervously. "How much trouble do you think we're in?"

"A lot," I sighed. "But thankfully it's not as bad as I originally thought."

"What did you originally think?" He yawned and I realized how tired I was. It was something like 2 or maybe even 4 in the morning, I was fucking exhausted and it probably showed in my face too.

"That they were going to drag me to a deserted forest and shoot me in the head."

"Wait, so that's completely off the table?" Josh joked.

"We can always make a request," I laughed.

Josh smiled at me. I felt a pang of jealousy as I noticed the fact that he was dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. How come they'd given him time to change and not me?
I hadn't seen him since summer had started considering he'd immediately flown to Ohio to be back with his family.
He'd phoned occasionally to check in on me, and hadn't hidden his disapproval when I told him about Matty. But it wasn't like I planned it or anything. I mean I'd been devastated when Vic left and I'd phoned Matty for comfort. One thing led to another and after a couple weeks he asked me on a date.

And from the look on Josh's face I knew he was going to start lecturing me on Matty again.

"How have you been holding up?" He started off with.

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