06: I Want To See You, But You're Not Mine

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"It's just for a week - at most two, if they like us," Matty's voice crackled through the phone. "But I'll try and call every day."

"Okay. I'm so proud of you," I replied, holding up a bag of ice to my sore nose.

"Thanks, babe," I heard the smile in his voice. "Actually I gotta go. George wants to do a practice run of the set."

"Oh, good luck then," I said.

"Thanks. Love you."

He hung up before I could respond with a "love you too", back. Matty and his "band" had apparently managed to get their first gig somewhere, playing for somebody who might make something out of them. He was really nervous about going, wondering if his voice sounded good enough or if he'd fumble with the strings on the guitar and mess up.
I didn't really know any of his band mates, I had only met them once or twice.

I focused on the work that I had laid out before me, some cases I'd had to take home to look over. I desperately wanted to call Josh, have some company for once but he was busy with his own work.

It really was becoming so tedious being alone all the time and I was starting to miss my friends more and more. Occasionally, my mother phoned to check in on me and see if I was still alive. She wasn't too thrilled with the fact that I had stayed behind instead of going to visit them, but after I told her about the new job I had gotten, she warmed up. Plus, I promised to visit before my university started again so she seemed content.

I began to become really invested in the case I was looking over. I had started putting in more effort at work since Vic had stopped speaking to me - I didn't want to give him any excuse to be even angrier.

Yet earlier when Pete had done his number on me, Vic had actually fretted about me. He hadn't spoken much though he had said more than he usually said to me which was good.

I knew I needed to get away from Vic, in any way possible. Being in such close quarters with him just reignited such a deep longing inside of me. It ached to see him and not be able to kiss or talk to him like we used to. I could hardly bear the temptation whenever he accidentally brushed past me, or just got too close.

I was so worried that I would be too weak to fend off my feelings any longer and that one day I would just be stuck in love with him. What would I even say to Matty? What would I even say to Vic, who supposedly despised the person I'd become. Maybe Vic didn't even like me anymore, maybe he'd gotten over me. Then I'd be forever chasing after his tail, getting rid of something that I already have: Matty.

Why couldn't I just be content with what I had?

I shook my head, getting the negative thoughts out of my head before I had a breakdown and cried about it. I knew if I thought about it too much, I would no doubt become way too consumed with my feelings. Because ultimately, the thing I was most afraid of was coming to terms with the fact that I would always, hopelessly, be in love with Vic Fuentes.

My phone's sudden, shrill scream shocked me out of my thoughts. I gingerly picked it up, my heart still beating rapidly from being startled.

"Hello?" I spoke unsurely.

"Kells!" Jaime's excitable voice yelled. "Guess what you're doing tonight?"

"Crying?" I answered.

"Yes and no," Jaime laughed. "We need you to come over and help out with the case - y'know since you're part of the team now."

"'We?'" I asked.

"Yeah, the whole Scooby Gang together," Jaime replied.

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