20: I'll Be Your Breath If You Can Be Mine

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"Like he's 'back' as in you saw him on the road and said hello," Jack began. "Or he's 'back' as in you two are going at it again."

"Latter," Josh coughed, making me glare at him.

"How long has this been going on for?" Alex asked.

"Like three days," I said. "It wasn't that important, I would have told you guys."

"I think it's pretty fucking important," Jack snapped. "Jesus, in two weeks your boyfriend became your ex and got himself engaged to somebody else-"

"And your ex came back and made himself your boyfriend," Alex said, picking up from Jack.

"You're acting like Vic brainwashed me," I mumbled. "I like him and he and I just work."

"Yeah you guys work so well that's why you broke up," Jack replied.

"It wasn't like that," I said irritably. "He was moving-"

"But suddenly he's back?" Alex interrupted.

The original lie I'd conjured up for everyone - even Josh back then - was that Vic had moved back to San Diego. I figured I'd never see Vic again, so the lie wasn't harmful.
I didn't weigh in the possibility of Vic coming back into my life and never thought the light would be shed on my lie. Except that now, Vic moving back after such a short time seemed really suspicious to my friends.

"It's not that he's suddenly back and we just decided to fall right back into the swing of things," I said, rubbing my neck nervously.

"Then what?" Jack said, raising an eyebrow.

"We've been... talking for the past two months," I said.

"And you just never thought to tell us?" Alex muttered. "I would have expressed my concerns about it from the start."

"Maybe that's why I never told you," I scoffed. "I knew you'd just disapprove of it."

"I disapprove because the boy broke your heart," Alex answered indignantly. "Maybe you forgave him so quickly, but I haven't."

"You don't need to hold a grudge against him," I said. "He's not your boyfriend."

"Frankly I don't think he should be yours either," Alex said. "I don't trust his... intentions."

"What?" Josh asked, confused by the situation.

"Doesn't it seem just a little fishy?" Alex replied, folding his arms across his chest. "Vic comes back all of a sudden and hits Kells up, wanting things to go back to normal?"

How was I going to explain everything to them? It wasn't like that at all. Vic hadn't had a choice about leaving and we were back together because we finally could be. There wasn't a death threat on my head, Matty was gone and now Vic couldn't be assigned anywhere without me - thank you God for pairing me in his team - so how could we stay away from each other?

The planets had finally aligned in our favor and there was not a chance in hell that I was not going to make this work between us.

But I couldn't explain any of this to them without giving away what I do between eight and five.

"He seems like he's just coming back to what's easy," Jack said. "I know that's hard to hear Kells but maybe you should consider it."

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