33: I Don'tWant To Leave Without You Buried By My Side

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I'm super busy atm but I wanted to get this chapter up for you guys so I could further pretend that I had an actual updating schedule

also oh look whose pov it is


I couldn't breathe. There was an actual physical pain in my chest and the huge lump in my throat was preventing me from screaming the way I wanted to. It was all my fault that he was missing, all my fault that any of this shit even happened in the first place.

He would have been safe, alive, if had just left him alone after I had shot Frank last year. I had actually packed up and left, there had been nothing between us back then.

Why had I gone back then? Why couldn't I get that stupid kiss out of my head? I was so goddamn selfish, resulting in me living in my biggest nightmare.

"Vic," Jaime said cooly, gently. "Let's just assess what we have."

I unclenched my fists, not even noticing the dark red dents in my palms from my nails. I stood up from the couch that I had thrown myself down on, uncaring of how tense with anxiety my body was.

"Oregon's office found Patrick and interrogated him yesterday," Tony said in the same calming tone.

I knew my teammates were just as worried as I was, but were doing a wonderful job at composing themselves for my benefit. I was losing my freaking mind and had been ever since I'd woken up on the side of the road yesterday, just to discover Kellin was gone.

I swallowed hard, looking at the computer screen.
"What - What um did..." I paused, clearing my throat. "What did they find?"

"Patrick told them where to find Gerard," Jaime answered smoothly. "Not an exact location of their operation, seems Gerard was very particular about what information his subjects knew."

"But it's where we'll find him," Tony finished.

"How do we know he'll be there?" I asked.

"Because, Patrick assured us that he's going to meet us there," Jaime said.


Jaime rubbed the back of his neck worriedly. "He's looking for you, Vic."

"That's why they took Kellin," Tony said. "They know you'll come after him."

"But I was also in that car crash," I snapped. "They could have just taken me instead of him."

"We're worried about him too," Jaime said, trying to soothe me.

"Not nearly as much I am," I said weakly, pushing away from the table and moving back to the couch. "It's my fault-"

"It isn't," Tony said quickly, in a stern tone. "Blaming yourself for this right now is going to do nobody any favors."

"If I had left him-"

"Well you didn't, did you?" Tony interjected. "And if you had left him then you'd have been so bloody unhappy all the months later - which you were."

"Let's just focus on getting him back," Jaime said.

We were in our safe house on the edge of the woods - the one I had been taking Kellin to. I was praying with whatever I had left that he was okay and that he was still alive.

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