29: It Was Just How You Looked In The Light

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Pete let out a chortled laugh.

"Me?" He spluttered in disbelief, a smirk appearing briefly on his face before it was snatched away by an onslaught of rage. "Fuck you for accusing me of being a snitch!"

"Well your boyfriend is," I snapped, pointing past Pete. I wasn't pointing at anyone or anything in particular but rather for emphasis.

"Mikey?" Pete almost laughed again. "You two have actually lost it this time. This is rich you know. I can't believe you guys have the nerve to come and accuse me of being a double agent or some shit."

"He's been helping out his brother," Vic said from behind me. "Hasn't he?"

"If you were any good at your jobs," Pete spat, "you'd know that Mikey and Gerard haven't spoken in years."

"Really?" Vic said firmly. "Or is that just the script we've been told?"

"Don't be a fucking idiot," Pete snapped. "What? Are you accusing everyone here of being a snitch?"

"Not everyone," Vic said. "Just the people Mikey's had a chance to be involved with."

"You're accusing him of something huge," Pete said. "Are you sure you want to go down this road?"

"Well really we're accusing you too," I piped up.

"Fuck you," Pete spat, taking an intimidating step forward. Vic put one hand on my hip, standing so close behind me I could feel his chest rise and fall on my back.
I didn't have to turn around to know he was glaring at Pete over me, just waiting for Pete to make a stupid move.

"What Kellin?" Pete sneered. "You scared of me?"

Actually, no I wasn't and I said as much. I knew Vic would never let Pete lay so much as a finger on me and I had full faith that my boyfriend would come to my rescue immediately.

"We're going to need to see Mikey's records," Vic said, his tone sharp and demanding. "Since he joined your team up until now."

"Can we also have the team's performance stats?" I asked, unsure of myself.

Vic shrugged, "I don't see why not."

"You can go to hell," Pete snapped. "I'm not going to give you two anything."

"Actually," came a voice. "You're going to give them whatever they want."

I turned to see Ming standing behind us, her arms folded over her chest indignantly. She had a folder in one of her perfectly manicured hands and a frown on her face.

"Tony explained everything to me," she said. "I'll have to deal with the Mikey situation since that's more crucial-"

"He admitted it?" I blurted out.

Ming shook her head. "No. Your boys are questioning him right now."

"He hasn't done anything," Pete declared loudly. "He's not what they're saying he is."

"A decision will be made, Agent Wentz," Ming said. "Until then, I trust you two can take care of... this issue."

She gestured in a circle to Pete and then back to us and Vic nodded in agreement. Ming turned promptly and walked away, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

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