26: Come At Me With Everything You Got

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I want y'all to know I'm not even in my city right now i'm in a different one in my aunt's house but i managed to sneak away to write this so appreciate me please (but that's also why I haven't updated)

ok anyway i should rename this book to "people just walking in on kellic" because that's literally happened too many times now k bye


"So he tracked you down to Kellin's house?" Jaime asked, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't been cutting it lately and it was starting to grow out, though I don't think he minded.

"He found us at the party," Vic explained, his hand absentmindedly shooting out to find mine. I smiled and took it, having to lean my chair closer to his.

The glass conference room only consisted of the four of us, with the exception of Ming who was sitting quietly at the head of the table.

Vic continued to explain in heavy detail the entire situation we had found ourselves in. I listened to some parts and tuned out others. In fact, I hadn't really spoken to anybody besides Vic since we had arrived back in Colorado.

I had ignored all the texts and phone calls my phone buzzed about since I wasn't really in any mental state to answer any of them. Vic and I had returned to the office the second we had landed, immediately diving headfirst into the case.

The urgency of the case at hand had caused Vic to lose his jokey side in favor of his more serious one. Jaime and Tony had only contributed to the discussion with questions of their own, Tony sometimes ignoring us and doing background checks of the people Vic spoke about.

When Vic was finished explaining, Tony took the reigns.

"Patrick Stump," he spoke, "not as high as Gerard, but certainly up there. He's got quite an extensive criminal record."

"How bad is he?" Ming chirped.

Tony considered his computer screen for a moment. "He's not someone to be taken lightly. I think we should get him in here as soon as possible."

"Bring Mikey in," Ming said. "He can give us a list of all the people Gerard's associated with."

"Mikey told us everything already," Jaime added. "Everything he knows was from Gerard's old life. He's been ruled out as a suspect since he can't really give us anything we don't already know."

"Our strongest current lead is Patrick Stump," Ming said, standing up. "I expect you to work fast before that lead disappears."

She was gone without another word, closing the glass door behind her and moving away.

"So," Jaime said, swiveling in his chair. "Anybody got any ideas on how to track down ol' Stumpy?"

Nobody said anything, all of us exchanging glances between us as if by just looking into the eyes of the other person we'd magically come up with a plan.

"I have this," I said after a while, "if it helps."

I fished a circular piece of metal roughly the size of my thumb out of my jean pocket, putting it on the table in front of all of us.

"When I pulled it off the car it was blinking," I said, feeling rather stupid all of a sudden. "But I flicked its switch and it turned it off."

"You brought their tracking device here?" Vic asked, withdrawing his hand from mine. "Kellin, you're an idiot."

I felt my heart shrink in on itself, anxiety rising in my chest.

"If you didn't turn that off properly then they could track us down to this building," Jaime scolded. "That's incredibly irresponsible of you, Kellin. I thought better of you-"

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