Chapter six

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As you wake up, you noticed warm arms wrapped around you back and your face in a big muscular chest, you blush realizing Erwin, you tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was to strong so you fail, you began to get frustrated and accidentally yelled, "DAMN GOLLY GREEN GIANT WHAT DO YOU EAT!?" With had begin to wake Erwin. His eyes fluttered open to see you blushing and looking frustrated, you wrapped in his arms, he began to laugh and blush madly to, "I'm so sorry," Erwin then released you and sat up rubbing his head just now noticing he had a massive hang over.
~*~time skip to breakfast~*~*

You laughed at how cute Erwin was, he wrapped himself in your fluffy blanket, he looked like a burrito, you keep chuckling, as he just looked at with a slight pout, "ok golly green giant, what do you want for breakfast??" You sad as you handed him some water and pills to help his hang over.

"French toast sounds nice.." he said, and then put the pills in his mouth and took a swig of water. "Lucky for you I love French toast, so I always have the ingredients for it," you smiled big, cooking for this man made you happy, and you felt as though you needed to make it the best you could, to impress him.
~*~time skip again~*~*

You sat down a a big plate of perfect looking French toast, Erwin looked down at it and smiled bright for the first time this morning, witch made you blush, and your crossed your singers as you walked to the seat next to him to sit and eat your French toast. As he took a bite his eyes lit up with excitement, his smile grow bigger, " THIS IS REALLY GOOD, I LOVE IT," he yelled as he blushed, witch coursed you to jump a little, but his words sent so much happiness through out your body that you wanted to jump for joy, but the joy was ruined by the sound of your doorbell ringing, so you groaned and looked at the door and the Erwin as he happily ate the French toast, "I'll be right back, just gotta check the door," you then began to walk towards the door and once you opened it you immediately regretted it and tried to slam the door shut but the person had put there foot in the door, "fuck..brat you trying to break my foot?!" Levi said rudely, " no your the one who put your foot there in the first place," you said glaring at him as he opened the door for himself. Soon you heard Erwin holler from the kitchen "IS EVER THING OK!" You we're guessing his hang over was gone since has yelled two times now. "Everything's fine!"you yelled back to him with a smile even though he could not see it, Levi just stood shocked but then glared at you.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Levi whisper-shouted.

"He's just a friend who came over yesterday yo hang out and got plastered so I let him stay the night," you said smirking, "anyways why are you worried that his here?" You said nonchalant. "His my boss, I already told you that, I don't want him dead," he said with a growl, but soon you heard foot steps and felt arms wrap around your shoulders, "you were taking forever so I was getting worried about you love?" You could feel him smile as he sat he rested his chin on the top of your head. 'L-love?! Did he just c-call me that??' Your mind racing and a blush rushes to your cheeks burning them. "Oh hi Levi, you know (y/n)?" He smiled more at Levi, But for some reason the aura that Erwin gave off while talking to Levi brought chills down your spine.

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