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So...guys I'm very sorry. I've been gone for so so long..and it's just I haven't had the motivation to write, I've lost all motivation to try to write, I still always have story ideas swarming through my head but for some reason...I just can't write.... I've kinda lost interest in a lot of things lately and idk why, I love drawing so I draw and I'll never stop drawing, but for some reason I can't write, it use to bring me so much happiness to write, but now? Idk.

About a few months ago I kinda when through something kinda traumatic..and ever since things just haven't been the same for me, I feel I've changed as a person, and I feel it's never gonna be the same, maybe some day I'll get back in to writing but I'd probably keep it to one-shots instead of an actual book style story.

As you all may know by now, this story is now being disconnected, but I'll keep it up, I'll keep it up for you all, and I hope you all are not mad even though I know you'll all most likely me very angry with me. I really wish it didn't have to come to this, but it's gotten so bad I haven't even read that much fan fiction to, I hardly get on wattpad anymore. I just don't know why.

I'm sorry guys..goodbye for now, maybe we will meet again some day, maybe then I'll feel better and be back to my normal self again, maybe the whole world will be better to, hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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