A New Idea

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Princess Sofia and her best friend, Prince Hugo, enjoyed doing their favorite things together: flying derby, ice-dancing, dazzleball, etc. But they also enjoyed trying new activities. Hugo had been teaching Sofia how to play shove ball, and she encouraged him to take up ballet since it was a little like ice-dancing. Sofia and Hugo loved to try new things, but one day, Hugo decided to try something very new to him.

It was an early morning, and Hugo and his big brother Axel could barely sleep, so they just decided to get out of bed. When they were getting dressed, they heard their father King Garrick screaming loudly.

"Was that Dad?" Hugo asked.

"I hope he's okay," Axel declared.

When the brothers were dressed, they emerged from their bedroom and saw their father dressed goofily. Garrick's jacket was on backwards, he had mismatched boots, and he was wearing a jester's hat. Hugo and Axel tried not to laugh.

"Dad?" Axel chortled.

"What happened to you?" giggled Hugo.

"I overslept, and now I'm late for the Meeting of the Knights," Garrick groaned. "I have to get there fast!"

"Not in this condition, you silly Billy goat," his wife chided him. "I know you're in a hurry, dear, but I can't let you go to that meeting looking like a clown. You'd better dress decently."

"Very well—thank you, sweetie," Garrick agreed. He went to change clothes.

"Poor Dad," Hugo remarked.

"I know," Axel agreed. "The worst part about being late is getting dressed. If only there was a gizmo that could help people get dressed quickly, nobody would worry about looking silly."

Axel's remark gave Hugo an idea. He remembered when Inventor Gwen made him a special animal-communicator hearing aid that allowed him to speak to animals. He used to wear this for a long time before King Roland II gave him an enchanted medallion for freeing Sofia from the Amulet of Avalor. The medallion gave Hugo the ability to talk to animals, just like Sofia's amulet does for her. Hugo never tried to invent something before, so he felt like it was time to change that.

For the remainder of the day, Hugo had been in the ballroom, building something. He worked on his invention until it was bedtime—and he worked on it again in the morning.

Sofia the First: Hugo's InventionWhere stories live. Discover now