Invention Fixed

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Gwen hurried to Albuquerque Palace with her tools.

"Princess Sofia," Gwen waved.

"Hi, Gwen," Sofia smiled. "Have you met Prince Hugo?"

"No, I haven't," Gwen replied. "Good to meet you, Prince Hugo," she said to Prince Hugo.

"Good to meet you, too," Hugo smiled.

"Okay, what's this invention emergency?" Gwen asked.

"I built this Wardrobotron for my family, but it's not working because the chain is broken, and I don't have another," Hugo told her.

"One chain coming up," Gwen smiled. She handed Hugo a brand new chain.

Hugo put the chain in the Wardrobotron. "I hope that's it," he declared.

"There's only one way to find out," Axel told him.

Axel stood on the platform. Hugo pulled a lever down, and the Wardrobotron pulled Axel inside. In no time, Axel came out, wearing his flying derby uniform—this time perfectly.

"Perfect!" Hugo beamed. "Thanks, Gwen."

"No problem," Gwen smiled.

"I want to thank you all for helping," Hugo smiled. "If I had given up, we would never have found what was wrong with the Wardrobotron."

"Anytime, champ," Garrick smiled.

Sofia the First: Hugo's InventionWhere stories live. Discover now