Nose Surgery

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A/N this is based off of the recent event of Shawn having surgery just with a little twist on it. Hope you like it!!!

Shawn had been home taking a little break for some unknown reason.

"Shawn don't get me wrong I love that your going to be home for awhile, but why so long?" I ask him while cuddling him after his long plane ride.

"okay promise you wont freak out." I nod "okay you know how I've been getting a lot of sinus infections?" he asks while sitting up and now I know he's getting serious. "what Shawn? come on tell me!" I don't understand why he's not telling me, how bad can it be right?? Wrong.

"well I have to get nose surgery, on my deviated septum." he looks like I'm going to yell at him, but I don't I tackle him and hug him tightly. "your not mad?" with his hands around my waist.  I come face to face with him "disappointed that you didn't tell me yeah, but mad no." he squeezes me tighter "what are you doing in 2 days?" I look up and our foreheads touch "um Saturday? nothing why?" I give him a confused look  "I want you to come. be my nurse" I give him a smile

"you want me there? I thought only family was supposed to be there?" now he gives me a confused look "y/n you are my family, you may not have my last name yet, but your still my family." I smile "yet?" looking confused but jumping up in down inside that I will marry the person I'm hugging right now. "yeah I'm marrying you whether you like it or not"

Later that night we just sit and talk about things, what he was doing while I was working and at school and as per usual i fell asleep in his arms

--2 days later--

i wake up to the sound of the alarm, I reach over and turn it off. I saw the time 4:30 am I groan but started to get up but had a strong set of arms grab me and pull me back to laying down

"Shawn we have to get ready, you have surgery" I turn around so we are face to face and start to leave little kisses on his face to wake him up. He groans "I'm tired, I don't want to get up, come on babe 5 more minutes." i give into his request and lay down with him for 5 more minutes

--10 minutes later--

Shawn and i are still laying down, I'm caressing his arm trying to wake him up slowly, when his mom comes in "come on Shawn you have to get up." he groans "I'm going to turn the lights on if you don't wake up in .5 seconds" she demands in her British accent.

"okay I'm coming!!" Shawn is never cranky in the morning even on tour when he only get 2 hours of sleep, but this oh my he's tired. We quickly get ready, and Shawn is being very clingy to me and I can tell he's scared he wraps his arms around me "your gonna be there when I wake up right?" I turn around so i can face him and kiss his chest "I have no where else to be" he lifts my face and kisses me sweetly.

"Mum I'm going to take the jeep, is that okay?" Karen gives Shawn this "hell no" look I interrupt "ill drive don't worry" Karen face changes to a more reassuring smile "alright, please be on time you two" I nod and Shawn is about to go for his keys but I stop him. "ah ah I said I was going to drive" I take the keys and go to the car

--in the car--

"oh my god Shawn you are so tall, like my feet don't even come close to the gas!" he lets out a weak chuckle. I adjust my seat and start to drive to the hospital with Shawn, I can tell he is very nervous so I grab his hand and squeeze it tight. He smiles at me.

We get to the hospital with 10 minutes to spare

As we get in he signs in for surgery and he's starting to sweat, we both sit in these uncomfortable seats, he pulls me closer to him and squeezes my hand as if I'm going to disappear.

"Shawn Mendes?" the nurse calls and he goes back giving me a scared smile, he leaves to do what the nurse asked

"ya know he loves you right?" Karen asks me. I nod my head "yeah I know." I smile, then the nurse comes back "Mendes family" Karen and Manny start to go when Karen stops "come on lets go, you are family come." I follow her and Manny and I see Shawn siting on a chair with a IV in his arm.

"Shawn Mendes?" the doctor calls and his grip gets tighter he stands up and he's about to leave when he stops "you'll be here when I wake right?" I squeeze his hand "no where else to go." He walks into the surgery room

--after what feels like forever we are finally called back

I see him looking so weak. I come over to the side of the bed and hold his hand, he slowly wake up and looks at me "your here" he smiles at me "just like how you don't break your promises I don't break mine" he squeezes my hand. Its been about 3 hours since Shawn's surgery and he is still kinda groggy but not as bad

"how do you feel?" he looks at me "tired, just really really tired." i look at him and just admire him, so happy to call him mine.  

Its around 9pm and Karen and Manny are talking with the surgeon outside when Shawn wakes up again.

"hey sleepyhead, how do you feel?" he groans "not better" i give him a pouting face

"well what do you want me to do?" he gives me a devilish smile as if he just got a brilliant idea

He weakly scoots over to make room for me "cuddle with me, lay with me, Please?" He pats the empty spot, and I give in and go into bed with him.

My eyes start to get heavy as I'm in Shawn's arms.

Karen POV
We come back from talking to the doctors and i see Shawn and y/n laying in the hospital bed together and Manny comes back in the room talking with Aaliyah "shh, they are sleeping" I slap his chest and i get closer to his bed and look at the two of them.

I take my phone out and take a picture of the two of them, just to keep. Then I see Aaliyah taking a picture as well "this is so going on insta" she saying letting out a laugh

"these two cant even resist each other even at the hospital" Aaliyah posted the picture with that caption. I smiled at that caption and laughed a little.

"to think that is going to be our daughter-in-law one day" Manny said admiring Shawn and y/n and go up to him and give him a hug "I know, he did good"

After that we both laid in the extra bed provided by the hospital while Aaliyah laid in the recliner.

--Hope you enjoyed! hope you don't mind that its too long. I know a lot of you guys hate that my fanfic chapter on my Instagram are kinda short (not my fault blame Instagram) but this is where I will be posting a lot of LONG imagines. So hope you love it!

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