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Hello. Name's Justin. I go to Hallowed High School. My friends and I decided to write this story from each of our perspectives, so this is mine.
It started off like any normal day. I got up, brushed my teeth, and put on my 'Too far to scream' band shirt and ripped jeans. After packing my bag with books, I went outside towards my bus stop.

I listened to my music while walking, thinking of my own music to make. Luckily, when I there, the bus was there. I got on the bus and sat in my usual spot, left side third row back. I kept my earbuds in so I would ignore everyone around me.

As I sat down, I got a text from Lily, one of my friends. "Hey. Wanna hang out later?" She texted me. I sent a reply, telling her I would.

Lily seemed to be happy because she sent five smiley faces and ten hearts back. I just locked my phone and put it back in my pocket, letting my music play any song that was on it.

Nothing really happened until I got to school. When I got there, I went immediately to my first class. The school grounds were set up in 4 buildings, one for each major class. The first was for mathematics and the cafeteria was there. The second was for science and everything else just as complicated. The third Had the English department (my favorite) as well as the gym because they made the building very large. The final had social studies as well as the library.

The first class was math, on the first floor of the 1st building. My teacher, Mrs. Delan, is usually a bitch and hates it when I'm late. Luckily, I usually get to school ten minutes early.

I walked into the classroom, ignoring everyone that was there. They're all idiots anyway. I took my seat towards the back of the class and turned up my music so I blocked out everyone.

Class started and immediately, a girl next to me began to poke my shoulder. I looked at her angrily. She shivered as if she was cold. Why is she bothering me? I thought to myself.

I decided to pull out one of my earbuds, letting my music fill the area around me. "What?" I asked her, trying to mask my anger. It didn't work though. She looked like she shrank in her seat.

Ok for anyone that cares, she was a brunette with a short sleeved shirt on, it was pink (bleh). She also had shorts and sandals on. I didn't care to examine further. The only other thing I know is that her name was Ashley. She's a popular kid in school, so I didn't like her that much.

"Ummm... C-Could you help me with..." She began. I honestly don't know how she became popular when she's as shy as Hannah, one of my friends. She finally managed to speak up to me. "Could you help me with my math?" She managed to finish. I could see her face turning as red as a tomato.

I sighed and looked at her. I really didn't want to help her, and I know this isn't her first time asking. I opened my mouth, but she interrupted me. "If you say no, I'll sit on your lap in front of your girlfriend." She threatened.

I gritted my teeth. I hate it when people threaten me. "Fine!" I said angrily as I put my earbud back in. She handed me her light blue notebook, opening it to her homework.

One glance at her homework and I knew she screwed up. Each problem was wrong. I'll save you the details and just say that I fixed them all and handed them back to her.

She smiled at me with a cheerful grin and her dark green eyes. I instantly wanted to gag, but resisted. If I did, she would do the threat in front of Lily, and that means headaches for me. She didn't bother me for the rest of class, so I couldn't complain more than usual.

The bell rung an hour and a half later, dismissing us. I quickly left the classroom and headed for the gym. Hint: I hate gym class. The only good thing is that they won't yell at me for having my earbuds in.

Along the way, I saw Lily. I'll let her chapter describe what she's wearing. I gave her a kiss on her cheek as we passed each other in the halls. She usually gives me one, so she blushed slightly when I gave her one.

When I got to gym, my teacher sent me to the boys locker room. I quickly got changed into a white t-shirt and running shorts. I took my phone out and headed out to the gym, listening to my music. Everyone else got out slowly, spending class time getting changed.

When everyone got into the gym, the teachers had us run around for a few minutes. Afterwards, they had us play kickball inside. I didn't really like it, but I did run to get away from everyone.

The hour and a half felt like an eternity. My music was my saving grace. I managed to get through the class without hearing anyone, but I knew they were yelling.

We all went back to the locker room and got changed. I got changed as quick as I could, making me the first one out of the locker room. I waited in the gym for the bell to dismiss us. For some reason, they don't dismiss us right away. It's a stupid rule, but it doesn't really bother me.

Once the bell rung, I walked to the second floor of the English building. My teacher, Mrs. Gannos, began to yell at me as I walked in. I pointed to my ears, showing her that I couldn't hear her. I could see her anger growing in her face, knowing she was gonna explode at me. I sat down where I was assigned and turned up my music to max.

Everyone else slowly poured into the class just before starting. The teacher went on her lesson about Shakespeare, paying no attention to me at the start. I was staring at the blackboard when I got a text from Lily. She sent me a bunch of kissing emotes at me, which disturbed me slightly.

I ignored it and went back to focusing on the blackboard. Mrs. Gannos didn't even notice me taking out my phone. I put it on my desk, not noticing that it made a noise as I placed it on the table.

Mrs. Gannos turned to me, giving me an angry look again. She walked towards her laptop and began typing. I took out my left earbud and lowered my music so I could hear everyone. The room was completely silent with everyone looking at me.

"What!" I yelled. Everyone looked down at their books.

Mrs. Gannos stopped her typing, waving her hands as if someone said hi to her. "Everyone," she began to say, "we're having a lockdown!"

As if on que, a gunshot was fired. Everyone quickly got up and ran towards the corner diagonal from the door. I sat in the corner to the right of them, farther away from the door.

One of the students looked at me, asking: "Why are you over there?" I could barely hear him because he was whispering.

I turned to him, turning my music even lower. "I'm here because the door opens towards me. So he starts looking at the laptop, scanning until he gets to you, and ending at me. Plus I don't like you guys." I explained to them.

The kid just went back to the others, leaving me alone. They huddled together, as if it was gonna do something. While they were huddling, I slowly inched my way to the door.

While we were waiting, it felt like an eternity. I got a text from Lily, asking me where I was. I responded, getting a text a few minutes later saying that we will all meet in the science lab. I managed to get right where the edge of the door wouldn't hit me, able to surprise anyone that came in.

Mrs. Gannos saw me. "Justin!" She said, trying not to yell. "Get over here!" I flipped her off just as the door flew open. I quickly got up, took out a pencil with my left hand, and stabbed the guy in the stomach. He dropped the gun immediately. The gun made some noise as it hit the floor, but I wasn't worried about that. I took another pencil out and stabbed the guy in the eye, killing him. However, he did let out a few screams before passing away.

I left my pencils in the guy, letting him fall to the floor. His blood spilled out of his body, staining the tiled floor. His eye went lifeless.

I turned my attention to the gun. I picked it up and took out the magazine, seeing real bullets inside it. I put it back in and turned towards the door. However, while I was turning, I heard a noise that came to a shock to everyone. BANG!

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