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Name's Brad. I'm a white blonde guy with green eyes and brains to match. I'm also tired all the time, so expect the least detail from me. I did fall asleep five times trying to write this.
I got up at 6 am, got dressed, and headed for the bus. I was wearing a black shirt with shorts and sneakers. My bookbag had multiple markings from my friends. I don't know why they decided to draw on my bag, but I'm too lazy to get a new one or get rid of the drawings.

I got to the bus and took a seat in the front row, sleeping the whole way to the school. Once at the school, I made my way to my Chem class. It was directly across from Lily's. I also had Travis in my class. He does all the work and I pay him for it in cash. He doesn't accept any other type of payment.

Once I got to class, I slept most of the class. The teacher would yell at me to get up every once in a while. Every time she did, I lifted my head up for a few minutes before putting it back down. One time I got detention for it, but it's nothing compared to Travis. He steals things all the time, getting suspended for it multiple times.

The class didn't last long in my opinion. Travis handed me his notes when class ended. I thanked him and handed him a five dollar bill. He pocketed it right away. "Pleasure doing business with you." He said to me.

"As if you're done." I said to him as we left the class. We walked for a while until he had to go to Swimming. I went into the history building for study hall. I'm sure you knew what I did for the hour and a half there. That's right, I took out my laptop and began playing videogames.

I'm an avid gamer, able to play and master almost any game you give me. Recently, I've been playing Desmon recently, a moba with multiple characters to chose from. It has simple hunters, mages, Warriors, and assassins that each one has. However, it does have an ultimate system. One ability each character has involves them gaining a boost in power and attack speed as well as crit chance. My main is Selmdom, a Mage that specializes in illusions and tricks. It's kinda like a Mage assassin.

I won the game with a 15:2 KD. I got ganked twice while trying to destroy the enemy towers. I didn't rage or anything, it was just annoying. I managed to finish the match by the end of class, logging off the computer and putting it away.

The bell rang a few minutes later, letting us leave the class. I made my way to math, meeting up with Travis along the way. We both have the same first and third class.

We got to our math class and sat next to each other. I didn't even last three minutes before falling asleep. The sleep was peaceful until Travis shook me awake. I slowly picked my head up, noticing everyone was far away from the door.

"Dude, we're having a lockdown." He said to me. He ran over to his bag and took out all his pencil's, throwing me one. He had like 10 pencils but I wasn't gonna complain. We both stood by the door, ready to jump at he first person that came through the door.

Our teacher, Ms. Lond, gestured for us to come to her. I turned to her, saying: "We know how to defend ourselves. Plus, it's better to protect ourselves than hide in a corner." Ms. Lond just looked at us in awe.

Suddenly, Travis took out his phone. "It's Lily. She's wondering where we are. I'll send her the reply, it'll save you from taking out your phone." He said to me. I nodded and kept my eye on the door. The door didn't budge the whole time Travis texted Lily.

"She wants us to head towards Hannah's Chem class." He said.

"Ok. Let's go then." I said to them. I took out my laptop and got out my own pencil. The pencil has a small camera in it, allowing me to see through it and record information onto my laptop. I put the pencil on the floor and activated the program.

On the other side of the door, there was just an empty hallway. I took my pencil into my hand and opened the door slowly. There was no one there, and I managed to open the door without making a single noise. I walked down the hallway, setting the pencil down so I could see down the hallway. I checked the program, seeing two guys with their back to me. One had a sniper rifle while the other had two swords.

I signaled for Travis to come closer. He slowly walked closer to me, giving me my pencil as well. I put my pencil in my pocket. "We will sneak up behind them and incapacitate them. I'll handle the sniper and take his gun. You handle the swordsman and take the katanas." I whispered to him. He nodded in response.

I was the first one to head around the corner, slowly sneaking up behind the sniper. They both seemed like they were distracted. Travis followed behind me, tackling the swordsman to the ground. I followed up with a headlock on the sniper, stopping his breathing until he passed out. Travis looked like he was having a hard time keeping the swordsman pinned down.

I took aim at the swordsman, shooting him in the hand. The swordsman dropped one of his katanas. Travis picked it up and cut off the swordsman's head. Once the body hit the floor, he picked up the other katana. "Let's get going." He said to me. I nodded and let him lead the way to the science building.

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