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So I lost the use of one of my keys, sorry. I spilled soda on it. hatever, I'll keep riting and hope that Lily fixes it later on.

My name is David. I'm a guy that loves food. That's all you really need to kno about me. I got up and ent to school. My parents are trying to make me alk to school so I lose some eight. I alked to school by myself and ent to my first class, cooking. Lily's friend, Brianna, is in my class as ell. She doesn't talk to me though, I never kno hy.

During class, e made a cake. I made mine as if it had a face on it. It looked like it had a clon face ith many different colors to be different flavored frostings. As for some of the toppings, I used many different sprinkles and the like to decorate it.

My teacher came by and sa my clown cake, giving me an A+ for it. She alloed me to eat it after she graded it, giving me a box so I could take it home. I put the cake in the box and packed it into my backpack.

Once class ended, I ent toards my second block. The next class as Forensics. I didn't like forensics, but I didn't ant to take chemistry. I took the cake into my forensics class, eating it during the hole class. My teacher yelled at me a few times, so I had to eat it sneakily.

She as talking about fingerprints and determining ho they belong to. Honestly, if anyone anted to find my fingerprints, they ould find them easily and kno it as me.

The class ended about an hour and a half later. I as heading toards my third class, English. I got into class and finished the cake before the teacher came. After he came in, I asked him to go to the bathroom. He let me, so I took the pass and left. In actuality, I headed for vending machines, getting some soda and some chips.

I as alking back to my classroom hen I got a text from Lily. She asked me here I as, so I texted her, saying I as in the hall. It as then that I heard gunshots. I quickly ran into the first room I found, hich as the janitor's closet. The lights ere off and it as full of stuff. I just sat by the entrance, drinking my soda. I drink soda hen I'm nervous.

It honestly felt like years ent by since I first ent into the closet. It was dark and I finished my soda quickly, burping quietly so no one could hear me. Hoever, I heard people alking toards me. I ent deadly silent, praying that they ouldn't look inside.

The door opened in a quick flash, just as lightning. On the other side of the door, it as Justin. He had some blood coming from the side of his face. I as glad to see him.

"Get up. e gotta get to the Science building." He said to me. I got up and opened my bag of chips, eating as e alked. He had a pistol in his hand, alays pointing it ahead of him.

At one point, he stopped me at a corner. I looked beyond the corner, seeing to guys ith guns. Justin looked at me, seeing my chip bag open. He took one out and thre it across the hall. I as about to yell at him, but he covered my mouth.

The guys alked toards us, facing the noise. They ere carrying more pistols, as ell as a few grenades. Justin killed them both, taking their ammo right afterards. I took the grenades, putting them in my belt buckle.

E ent on, headed toards the science building as fast as possible. E killed anyone in our ay, trying to remain hidden the hole time.

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