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Warning: Ignore what Brianna says about herself. She's very self-centered. Ok, with that out of the way.
My name is Lily, Justin's girlfriend. Brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin, slept with a lot of guys so I don't have to do work. Oh and I love kittens, so get some if you want me.

I'll explain some of what we are doing for this story. My friends and I don't know what everyone else is putting so you may here the same detail over and over again. Or the same scenario, because of it. I'm editing so I know what to cut out (which isn't much). Oh and before Brianna steals my thunder, I came up with the idea. Ok, onto the story.

I woke up at about 5 am and got ready. Took a shower and did my hair, combing it so it was straight and went half way down my back. Did my nails so they were a nice sky blue, and got dressed. Since it was summer, I decided to go with something light. I put on a white short-sleeved shirt with green sweatpants and white sneakers. And yes, these are all light.

I left my house around 6 and got to my bus stop. There were many people waiting, talking to each other and laughing. I went towards Brianna, seeing her light blue summer dress and white flats.

"Lily, Lily, Lily." She said to me while shaking her head, "those colors don't go together. Do you honestly not have anything else to wear?" Her British accent gets on my nerves, but I deal because we are childhood friends. The only thing I wish she wouldn't do is criticize my outfits. She literally does this every time.

We got on the bus and sat next to each other. We got to talking about what we wanted to do after school. I brought up inviting everyone else, and she was fine with it. I texted Justin, asking him if he wanted to. He said yes, so I couldn't resist sending the smile emote at him. Looking back at it now, I may have sent too much.

Brianna and I talked about clothes, guys, jewelry, and school while on the bus. Every once in a while, she would tease me about Justin, trying to take my phone away. Each time she tries, I would push her so she's barely on her seat. It's funny because she would yell at me to stop and apologize right away.

When we got to school, Brianna and I parted ways. I went towards the top of the science building for chemistry. I had Mr. Francin, a cool teacher who lets us hand in homework late and helps us if we need it. He greeted me when I entered the classroom, heading out into the hall to watch everyone.

To be honest, there weren't many outstanding people in the class. Except this one tall, black haired guy. He was muscular with green eyes, and dark skin. I talked to him a few times and I can tell you that his voice is soothing. I can melt with him, but there is a major flaw. He is a pussy.

The class went by with us learning about different flammable molecules. I didn't care as much because I was just gonna have someone give me the answers to the test anyway. All I gotta do is offer them something they like, and I always know what someone likes sooner or later.

Once class ended, I went into the halls, heading towards math class. Along the way, I saw Justine. He looked like his usual self, skinny with black hair and his usual band shirt of the week on.

When we passed each other, he gave me a kiss on my cheek. It was surprising at first because I'm usually the one to kiss his cheek. I smiled at him before walking off towards class. The class was filled with people from different grades, including the most popular girl, Abby Jacobson. I didn't like her that much because most of the guys that fell for her. I won't even describe her because she makes me angry.

I sat at my spot and took out my notebook. Just as I got settled, one of the guys walked up to me. He handed me a copy of the homework that was due today. "Thanks for yesterday." He said to me before walking away.

I smiled and took the homework, putting my name at the top. I looked down at my boobs after I finished writing, thanking them. Even though I am Justin's girlfriend, I will do what I need to in order to pass the class. (He doesn't mind).

My boring teacher, who I can't remember her name, came in after the bell rang. She began to teach, so I took down notes so I looked like I was a good girl. I also lightly kicked the chair of the guy in front of me. He didn't do anything because he knows that I know everything about him. I slept with him one time for an assignment when he spilled everything about himself to me. The best part is that I can turn him on in the middle of class if I really wanted to.

We kept working alone for the rest of class (talk about boring). I just kept looking around, wondering who I was gonna seduce this time. I couldn't find anyone cute and smart enough to seduce, so I decided to get Justin to do my homework.

Class ended a few minutes later, letting us go. I walked to the cafeteria, getting some chips and soda along the way. Brianna snuck up behind me, tapping my shoulder. I quickly turned to her, sighing as I saw her.

"Hey." She said to me. I grabbed the food and put it in my bag before walking to the cafeteria with Brianna. "So, how are you?" She asked me.

"I'm ok. I can't tell who I want to do my homework." I explained to her as we walked into the cafeteria. She thought about it for a few minutes while we sat down.

"Maybe you can get Justin to do it, or someone that's here." she suggested. I shook my head, looking at everyone that was around us. I couldn't find anyone that looked smart and cute enough to seduce.

I opened the bag of chips and began eating while Brianna took out her pink lunchbox. I ate the chips pretty quickly just as Brianna took out a sandwich. She quickly put away the lunchbox before starting the sandwich. "You need more class, Lily." She said to me.

"Why is that?" I asked her, slightly angry at her bragging. I took out my phone and looked at my texts. Surprisingly, Brianna took my phone and sent a bunch of kissing emotes to Justin before handing it back to me. I looked at her angrily, knowing that I couldn't undo it.

"You won't get the good guys without it. They are the hardest to get." She explained. Suddenly, one of the guys I borrowed homework from walked up to me. He was white with blonde hair, hazel eyes, blue shirt and running shorts.

He quickly grabbed my arm and held it up, smiling at me. "Where is my dance?" He asked me sinisterly. I smiled at him, quickly sliding in between his legs. He let go of me while trying to keep his balance. I was about to make him fall, but the teachers had us hide under the tables.

"Bloody hell." Brianna said while moving under the table. I went right behind her, noticing a small insect crawling up on her leg. Brianna put her hands over her mouth and faced the floor, breathing heavily. I did my best to remove the insect as quickly as I could. However, the insect already went up her dress, towards her butt. I hesitantly got it before it go there, setting it on the floor near the guy.

I quickly took my phone out and asked everyone where they were. Justin was in his English class, Brad and Travis were in their math class, Hannah is in her Honors Chem class and David was walking the hall. I decided that we all would meet in the Chem class, praying that no one else was over there.

It was then that we heard the sound of gunshots. Brianna and I looked towards where they came from, seeing a few of the teachers fall onto the ground, dead. In there place, combat boots stepped in their blood. We kept looking around, seeing more of them coming in from all sides.

One of them came close to us, checking under the table. He looked directly at me with his hazel eyes. I grabbed his shirt and brought him under the table. His gun, a machine gun, was pointed at a wall, putting no one at risk.

I made sure my mouth was next to his ear so I could whisper into it. "You drop the gun and hide here, and I will let you do anything to me." I said to him. I felt his face getting hotter as he let go of his gun. I quickly got out from under the table and grabbed the gun. I looked up, seeing another person looking at me. I quickly shot him with the gun. About three bullets were shot, killing the man.

I stood up and walked towards the dead man, killing everyone that had a gun. When I got close to the dead man, I kicked his gun towards Brianna. She got out from under the table and grabbed the gun. She got up and took aim without realizing that no one was left.

I turned to her, saying: "Let's get going to the science building." She nodded back. We both ran out of the cafeteria as fast as we could, leaving everyone else behind.

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