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Hey, name's Brianna. I'm like super rich and famous for my family and popular at my school. It's kinda like a big deal.
I woke up early, took a long warm bath, and did my blonde hair so it was as soft as it could be. I put on a light blue summer dress and white flats. I have the best fashion sense in the whole group.

I walked to the bus stop, waiting for Lily to get there. I couldn't help but notice that everyone there was dressed in street clothes. It's like they don't have a sense of fashion. I at least know that yellow and dark green don't go together.

Lily finally came a few minutes later, wearing horrendous green sweats and a white shirt. "Lily, Lily, Lily. Those colors don't go together. Do you honestly have nothing to wear." I said to her, hoping that she would let me pick her outfits.

She responded with a snarky comment. I really wanted to, like, hit her or something close to that. The dusty old bus came by after a few minutes, allowing us to get on the bus. Lily took the window seat, my usual spot, forcing me to sit closer to the center.

I offered to hang out after school, wanting to go with just her. We barely hang out alone because she's always doing favors or with Justin. She went and asked Justin as well, preventing me from objecting. She does this like all the time. I'm not the jealous type, that's Hannah, but it does get on my nerves at times.

Good for me, I came up with a plan to get her to stop. Each time she texts Justin, I take her phone and send, like, kissing emotes at him. However, when I got her phone, she pushed me so I was barely on the seat. I kept begging her to stop, holding her phone away from her.

She wouldn't let me back on the seat unless I gave her the phone to her. I tossed the phone to her, letting her catch it. She caught it before letting me back onto the bus seat. After that, we talked about different things, like guys and school.

Once we were at school, we went our separate ways. I went towards my cooking class, greeting everyone that I saw. I love meeting new people and brightening their day. I mean, how can't I brighten someone's day.

When I got to my class, I set my bag down by the door and went to my station. There were a ton of boys nearby, it felt like they were staring me down. I felt so loved then, but I know they all were lustful in a way. I don't go for the lustful types, I like the more innocent types.

Our teacher had us make a cake, so I decided to bake one by myself, making it into a sun and adding frosting to make it look like one. When the teacher looked at my completed project, she gave me an A. "As usual, Brianna." She said to me, getting me to smile. She gave me a box so I could take it home.

I set the cake in the box and wrote my name on it, with a few decorations so I knew it was mine. I put it in my bag and closed it, talking with some of the guys until class ended. Some of the guys tried to look up my dress, but I kicked them each time they did that.

Once the bell rung, I went towards my history class. I kept greeting everyone along the way, taking drinks of water when my throat was dry. It made me feel like a good person when I did.

The class was actually pretty boring, especially since we were continuing the work that we did yesterday. I finished the assignment already, so I had nothing to do. I took out my phone and texted random people. Most of them were outside the school, I am popular after all.

At one point during my texting, I looked up and saw a boy staring under the desk. I looked under the desk, knowing my left leg were crossed along my right one. I mostly checked so he couldn't see up my dress. However, it was already impossible to look up my dress. I looked for anything that he could be staring at, noticing one of my flats was barely hanging on my foot. I blushed and set my feet flat on the floor, making sure my flats were still on. I truly think he was a weird pervert if he gets off on that.

Class ended after a while, forcing me to suffer the knowledge of him getting off during class. It just disgusts me. I quickly went to the cafeteria, trying to calm down so Lily wouldn't know my embarrassment.

Along the way, I saw Lily getting something from the vending machine. I snuck up behind her and tapped on her shoulder, trying to shock her. She quickly turned towards me, showing shock in her eyes.

"Hey." I said to her, trying to sound cheerful. She put her food in her bag before we walked towards the cafeteria. "So how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm ok. I don't know who I want to do my homework." She responded as we walked to our lunch table. I thought about it the whole time, sitting down and getting out my lunchbox.

"Maybe you can get Justin to do it, or maybe someone around here." I suggested. I could see her disagreement, frustrating me slightly. She turned her gaze away from me.

I just took out my sandwich from my bright pink lunchbox with multiple designs on it (Yes, I love my belongs.) I looked at her just when I was about to start my sandwich, noticing that she finished her food already. She even had evidence of chips on her lips, getting me a little angry.

"You need more class, Lily." I said to her, hoping to straighten her out. If not, I know more suitable ways to straighten her out. Oh I know, I could like tie her up and... Ya I don't know what to do yet, but I will restrain her if I have to.

"Why is that?" She asked back, letting her anger out. I was about to answer her, but she took her phone out. I snatched it as soon as she unlocked it, sending a bunch of kissing emotes at Justin. I thought about doing something worse, but I gave it back to her instead.

She quickly put it away before giving me her death stare. Honestly, she thinks it's scary, but it's actually cute. Every girl would be jealous to have her face, but I know mine is better. "You'll never get the good guys without class. They are the hardest to get." I explained to her.

Suddenly, a big muscular guy walked up to Lily and grabbed her by her arm. He brought her arm up, forcing her to stand. He said something, but I couldn't hear it because of all the noise in the area. I didn't worry though, because I know Lily can handle him.

She slid in between his legs, forcing him to let go. He almost fell onto his face while Lily was standing up behind him. It was then that the teachers told us to get under the lunch tables.

"Bloody hell!" I complained before getting under the table. The guy was next to me with Lily behind him. We stayed under for a little while when I felt something crawling up my leg. It felt like a bug, so I covered my mouth. I hate bugs with a passion. Lily thankfully took it off of me, but I am gonna yell at her later for going up my dress.

A little later, we heard a few gunshots. I did my best to see what was happening, but I couldn't make it out. To my knowledge, people were dying. Most likely the teachers were dying for us.

To my surprise, Lily brought what looked like an army guy under the table. The guy looked like he was turned on, dropping his gun on the floor. Lily went out from under the table and began to shoot the intruders.

After a few minutes, she kicked a gun over to me. I took it and held it up, taking aim. However, there were no one left for me to shoot at. I was slightly mad that she didn't leave any for me to kill.

"Let's get going to the science building." She said to me. I nodded and we ran off down the halls, killing anyone that stood in our way.

However, along the way, we saw some people guarding the entrance to the science lab. I was about to ask her how we were gonna get passed them, but she kicked one of my flats off and threw it across the hall. It made a loud noise, attracting the attention of the guards. I looked at her angrily, wanting to kill her.

The guards walked into the hallway, oblivious that we were there. Lily and I shot at them, killing them and searching their bodies. One of them had a small pistol, used for assassination. Lily took it, saying she was gonna give it to Hannah when we caught up to her.

I picked up my shoe from the other side of the hall and walked back to her, hitting her with it before putting it back on. "Never do that again." I whispered into her ear before running off into the science building. I could hear Lily follow me.

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