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The name is Hannah. I am a shy student in highschool. Everyone knows me as the stereotypical emo. However, I am not that bad, but my friends will make fun of me for it now and then.
I started my day off going to the bus, listening to screamo. It's one of my favorite genres, but not a lot of people like it. Once I got on the bus, I sat in one of the empty bus seats that were left.

No one sat next to me, which I was glad. I like being alone, it lets me lay on the seat. I laid there and fell asleep, dreaming about what today would be like. And I dreaded it. I saw me getting tickled all day. Yes I'm ticklish, it's a curse.

I woke up when the bus got to the school. Apparently I was giggling the whole time because everyone was looking at me weirdly. I could feel my face blush as I quickly took my backpack and ran out.

I quickly ran to my first class, English. I don't know anyone in my classes because they were honor classes. Even then, I still have an A in the classes. My teacher usually let me do anything I want when I'm in that class, so that's what I did. I turned on my music and listened throughout the whole class, ignoring everyone else.

They were talking about Shakespeare or something like that. I actually don't like him, the dialogue and the like are confusing. I do know Brianna likes his works though.

Class was a crawl, taking forever to get through the day. When the bell finally rung, I quickly took my stuff and walked towards the swimming pool. Along the way, I saw couples kissing and hugging each other. Each time I see that, I make a fist with my right hand. "Why can't I have something like that?" I thought to myself. I kept the thought to myself for the rest of the day, afraid that I would piss someone off if I let it slip.

I got to the pool and got into the girls locker room. I kept listening to my music the whole time I changed. I only take out of my earbuds when I was about to go into the pool. As I walked towards the pool, I saw the other girls there, noticing how their swimsuits made them look more appealing to men. I'm straight and all, but I couldn't help but notice. It made me even more insecure about my body, and I'm already insecure.

As I got into the pool, i heard the teacher say we had to do laps around the whole pool. I got in on the shallow end and swam around the pool long enough till she said stop. When she said stop, I held onto the edge of the shallow end, catching my breath.

While I was there, Travis swam up to me. He decided to hang on the wall as well. "Hey" he said to me.

I turned to him and smiled. "Hi." I said to him. I turned back and kicked my legs to keep myself afloat. I was zoning out, thinking about what I'll do later. I did my best to distract myself from everything going on.

It was then that I felt something glide up my sides. I quickly grabbed onto the closest rail and began to giggle. I quickly checked and saw Travis missing. I felt his fingers move down and tickle my feet. At this point, I was laughing, trying to hold on for my life. "STOP! STOP!" I begged him while kicking my feet.

He finally stopped and come out of the water, laughing at me. I did my best to catch my breath, thinking of hurting him for that.

After he stopped, we talked about different things. Some of them were about music and school, others were about things he stole like pencils, CDs, gum. I didn't like the later topics though, so I stayed more silent when he got there.

We kept talking until we had to get changed again. I quickly took a shower (pervert) and got changed, putting my music in when I got to my locker. Luckily, no one knew me in the locker room or else I may have had a problem.

I got changed as quickly as I could before walking to the door into the hallway. The teacher was waiting in the hallway, refusing to let most of us go. I was held back until the bell rung, which annoyed me.

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