Already Making Mistakes

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The sound of her alarm woke CeCe, igniting her throbbing headache into full overdrive, something she was fully expecting from her shenanigans the night before. She rolled over and fumbled on around on her desk before clicking it off. 

CeCe didn't open her eyes for awhile, afraid of the sun and even though the blinds were closed, she anticipated the tiny amount of light that leaked through the bottom was going to feel like an eyesight into hell. When she did finally muster up the courage to begin the day, she cringed as the light leaked into her eyesight. As her eyes adjusted, she turned to find that Kass was already gone, to where she did not know. CeCe threw back the blankets in an attempt to force herself out of bed and stood, cracking her back and checking the time.

CeCe knew she was going to be late if she didn't start to move, and fast. 

As established last night, CeCe had not hung up any of her clothes or neatly folded them into a drawer. She bent down and shuffled through the mass of clothing at the foot of her bed, reveling a white blouse, a tank top to go beneath it, and a pair of black dress pants. Fumbling to get on the wrinkled clothes, she slipped on her black heels and brushed her hair into a tight high ponytail, sticking loose hairs down with a couple bobby pins, and then fled out the door. 

I flung myself down the stairs, my blouse unbuttoned and my purse flinging wildly behind me. I passed by a girl on the stairs before opening the exit door out into the open. 

"CeCe!" Someone called out and poor CeCe's ears wanted to shrivel up and disappear. She whipped around in the direction of the voice and found Kass standing a few steps above her. "I got you a cup of coffee. Did you eat?" CeCe shook my head violently, snatching the coffee from her, it sloshed over the side and stung hot against her bare hand.

"Thank you. You're a blessing. I'll be back around-" CeCe stared down at the watch on her wrist. "Fuck I'm late!" and ran towards her car in the dorm parking lot.

The city of Santa Barbara was a hefty 20 minute drive from Isla Vista, with mild traffic, and CeCe prayed no one would pull her over. 

CeCe spotted the company's building and swung widely into a parking spot in the garage of the building, not caring for her parking job. When she pulled herself out of the car, coffee in one hand and purse in the other, her arm caught on the door, coffee sloshing over her white blouse.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The stain was not easily missed, obviously, and poor CeCe knew that the day had taken a wicked turn. Thinking fast, she set the coffee down and pulled off the top shirt, leaving a white thick-strapped tank top beneath. It was untouched by the coffee. CeCe decided that although unprofessional, it was better than a stained shirt.

Looking down at her watch once more, he realized she had barely six minutes left before her scheduled interview. She bolted towards the door and ran up the first flight of stairs, taking two steps at a time.  When she reached the first floor she headed straight for the elevator. There were five other people waiting and CeCe was sure that she would get on the one coming. Alas, karma struck her again and she was left as the only one who couldn't fit.

CeCe declared that this day had begun so poorly because the universe decided to punish her for outright exceeding her alcohol limit and acting like a silly little college freshman. 

Embarrassed at the thought, she gave up on the elevator, officially having only four minutes left to get to the eighth floor. She swung the stairway door open and gripped her purse tightly before launching herself up the stairs as fast as possible.

By the time she reached the destination floor, her forehead was wet with sweat, and baby hairs had escaped from her ponytail. Put kindly, she looked like a disheveled trashcan. 

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