An Angel in White

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The following morning the semester had officially begun. CeCe's first class was Calculus I at 8:10am. Her alarm went off at 7:10, waking her immediately. The adrenaline was high in her body, like a drug that had etched itself into every vein. 

She was excited. 

CeCe headed to the dorm floor bathroom. She brushed her teeth and pulled her hair into the usual high ponytail, letting the curls fall beside her face. She then proceeded to wash her face in the sink before heading back to her room. There were students walking all over the place, hastily trying to get ready for class. Down the hall, someone's back looked familiar. His hair was cut in a similar way to someone CeCe was sure she knew, but couldn't quite put her tongue on it. 

CeCe pulled on the nearest clothes. A pair of black leggings and a t-shirt from her high school swim team. As she dressed, Kass rolled over in her bed to face her, her eyes heavy and her hair a mess.

"Cute" She grunted and rubbed her eyes. 

"Don't you have class soon?" CeCe shuffled around in a drawer in search of a pair of matching socks. CeCe never wore mismatched socks. Even if no one could see them, she knew, and it bothered her.

"At 9" She rolled back over and buried her face into her purple pillow. Her black hair was a mess, knots all over the place. 

"I'll be back by 10 if you want to get an early lunch" CeCe finally found a pair of matching socks and sat at the edge of her bed to slip them on.

"My class doesn't end until 11:30. It's a lab class" She groaned. "I hate reminding myself of that"

"Oh alright well maybe after that. I have an evening class at 5 so if you want to get dinner after that maybe?" She nodded from under the covers before drifting back into sleep. 

CeCe's class started in ten minutes so she pulled her converse on, laced them up, and then bolted out the dorm door.

After locking her bike up outside the main building, she wandered her way around, trying to find her room. It was supposed to be on the right but the numbers were all wrong.

CeCe had one requirement of her first day: not be late. And she was about to break this one rule. 

She tumbled her way around the hallways, skirting around corners in a flurry of wild curly hair and dirty converse. 

CeCe finally found the class, two minutes late, with her  heart pounding so loud in her chest so she could barely hear anything else.

Opening the door, she was revealed to the 100 or more students watching Mr. Garrison lecturing on a tiny little blackboard in the front of the room. CeCe almost turned on her heels right then and left, hoping maybe next class everyone would forget who she was so she could start over.

"How nice of you to join us. Please sit down and don't disrupt the class" Mr. Garrison said and CeCe bowed her head in embarrassment. She made her way up the stairs to the only available seat that was anywhere close to the front. It was eight rows of seats up. 

She pulled out her notebook as quickly as possible and started jotting down all the notes before Mr. Garrison said class was dismissed. She had caught up most of the way through the span of the class, but was still  behind. 

She stayed seated and kept copying the formula on the board as everyone shuffled out. 

"Excuse me?" Mr. Garrison asked, causing CeCe to jump in her seat. "What are you still doing here?"

"I am a little behind in the notes. I'll be done in a second" He laughed as she finished my sentence and CeCe immediately felt uncomfortable.

"No" She looked up from her paper and raised her bro.

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