The Bet

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"What do you mean?" CeCe asked, mildly shocked. Tom pulled away from her, but not too far, their bodies still inches from each other. "Tom?" She grabbed his elbow and kept him from pulling further away.

"I really shouldn't have said anything. It wasn't mine to tell" He said, but CeCe could see the devious grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"You are so full of it." CeCe said, tugging at his arm. "You told me, now you have to answer my questions."

"Yeah, I told you because I felt inclined to. You're soft on the eyes and I want to keep you on your toes. I figured you're cute when your flustered. But, I don't have to explain Sebastian and Robert. They aren't me" CeCe rolled her eyes. "Wait until Sebastian tells you" He smirked. "Or Robert"

"They may both be ridiculous, but there is no way they would tell me why they are betting on me."

Tom laughed, flashing his perfect teeth. CeCe decided that somehow the universe had cursed her to attend a school with some of the most attractive people she had ever seen.

"They will, one or the other" He pulled away from her grasp. "You seem to have a way with these boys, I'd say I didn't understand why, but having met you now I totally get it." Then he walked away towards Robert's side of the table.

CeCe felt furious that Tom didn't tell her, but she believed that one of the two boys would cave in at some point and tell her their dirty little secret.

Her stomach began to feel uneasy, so she journeyed back to the kitchen to find some water. She succeeded,and swallowed it slowly before heading back to the table.

When she approached, she realized the game was over. In a flustered manner she found Kass, standing by Chris, and tugged on her arm.

"Hey, where'd you go? I was worried" And yet Kass didn't come to look for her friend.

"Just needed some air away from all these people. Who won?" CeCe nodded towards the table.

"Robert. Look at Sebastian, he looks bummed" CeCe's breath hitched in her throat and she realized that all this time, even though she didn't know what the bet was, she wanted Sebastian to win.

CeCe had been on his side all along.

Kass was right though. Sebastian was sitting a few feet from the table. Robert was talking to him but CeCd wasn't sure he was listening. His head was in his hands, hanging low.
CeCe decided to take matters into her own hands, as she always did, and began to shove way through the crowd onto the other side of the table.
As she approached she heard the end of Robert' s lecture.

"I expect you to adjust your hours accordingly, and remember this is to be kept between us." Robert said and then turned to leave.
He locked eyes with CeCe on his way out, stopping to give her a warm smile. "Hey little Sissy, enjoy the game?" He asked.
CeCe looked up at him with her usually stubborn glare. "What was that all about?" She asked.
Robert's smile almost faltered, but he was always good at putting on a disguise. "Nothing to concern yourself with." He lied and CeCe felt a familiar feeling grow inside her.
Robert turned on his heels and disappeared into the crowd.

CeCe walked up to Sebastian, her shoes in his vision.

"Sebastian?" She asked, testing the waters.

"What?" He kept his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry you lost" He didn't respond. "What was the bet?" He looked up from his hands, lifting his body to a normal sitting position.

"It's a need-to-know basis" He said and then stood to walk by her. He brushed his shoulder by CeCe's, leaving her with a gentle whiff of his scent. He smelled like a day at the beach, sunscreen and sand and the salty ocean. It made CeCe feel warm. It made her feel like she was home.

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