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The next morning CeCe woke up early to shower. She gathered up her shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush, a towel, and some undergarments to wear when she got out. 

She padded her way over to the communal showers, setting her stuff in the locker closest to the door, as she always did, and then stripped down for the showers. There was only one other girl on this floor who was showering and listening to Taylor Swift off in the furthest shower. 

CeCe was not one to dawdle in the shower, so she finished quickly, tying her hair up into a bun afterwards.

The girl was still in the bathroom. She had hidden herself into one of the stalls to get dressed, her pants hanging over the top of the white door. She was blasting Taylor Swift louder than CeCe had ever heard someone listen to her before. 

CeCe slipped on a pair of cheeky underwear and a white tank top. The underwear had the Marvel logo printed on the back, she had always been a nerd for superheroes.

CeCe was embarrassed to admit that Taylor Swift was really getting to her. As she brushed her hair in the mirror she let herself dance along to the music, positive that she would hear someone open the bathroom door so she wouldn't embarrass herself. 

CeCe bent down to spit out her toothpaste after finishing her hair, and wiped her mouth. When she came up again, she was horrified to find Sebastian standing, leaning against the open doorway to the bathroom.

"Excuse me?" She turned on her heels to face him, mouth gaping open.

"I didn't know you liked Taylor Swift." He smirked.

"I don't. Some girl is playing it in here." CeCe was mortified, to say the least, that Sebastian Stan was the one who caught her jamming out pathetically in the girls bathroom.

"And you were singing along to it." He licked his bottom lip, reminding CeCe of the bonfire and the way that very quirk of his drove her crazy. "And dancing" He looked her up and down and CeCe suddenly realized all of the things out of place: herself, being barely dressed, and Sebastian, in the girls bathroom.

"Aren't boys not allowed in the girls bathroom?" She said.

"No, they  normally aren't." He started. "But they are allowed in the boys bathroom."

CeCe was confused. "What do you mean?" Her cheeks began to flush with color. There is no way she walked into the boys bathroom this morning. "Someone is literally listening to Taylor Swift."

"Hey, Jeremy?" Sebastian called into the bathroom. 

Who CeCe assumed to be Jeremy, called back. "Yeah? What's up?" He opened the stall door, wet towel in hand. "Since when is this bathroom co-ed?" He said, looking at her. 

"You were the one listening to Taylor Swift?" CeCe's eyes widened with horror.

"Yeah. You got a problem with that?" She shook her head vigorously. 

"No of course not, I just thought..." She trailed off before Jeremy turned and left the room. 

"See you around, Sebastian" He waved and then left, closing the bathroom door behind him. 

"So, CeCe, you just going to stand around in the boy's bathroom all alone with me?" Sebastian smirked again. "And in only your underwear?" He pushed off from his leaning position against the wall and started walking towards her. 

CeCe was sure she looked like a tomato at this point, and she wondered where Sebastian had mustered up the courage to act this way around her. Was it the fact that the air between them was cleared? Or was it simply that Sebastian had always wanted to act this way around her, but hadn't ever had the balls to do so. 

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