Clumsy Sand

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The next day Kass and CeCe decided to check out the Rush. Watching all the girls fawn over different sororities, one's that their mother's went to and their mother's before them, was entertaining. CeCe wasn't much for greek life, but fully understood its purpose and place in college life. An instant friend group, instant purpose, it made complete sense why so many people were involved. 

Alpha Chi Omega was one of the most popular sororities. They had three tables side by side with three almost identical posters on each one. There were about a dozen girls crowded around each table, pushing and shoving to get the pamphlets at the front. Some girl tried talking to the girl representing the sorority, talking about grades and such. The leader shut her down by stating that if your GPA goes below a 3.7 you'll get kicked out of the sorority. The poor girl bowed her head and scurried away in shame. CeCe and Kass both thought that was a little harsh. 

Once the two girls had looked at all the sororities that were available, only about 13 major ones, they turned to to explore the fraternities. They were usually a lot more aggressive with their advertising techniques than the girls. They would physically grab you and pull you towards their table or scream at you from across the quad. Something CeCe never quit understood was how much confidence you needed to have - or fake - to be able to pledge for one of them. 

"So do you think they're compensating for something when they yell?" Kass giggled and pulled CeCe towards the one with the most people crowded around it. Sigma Chi was the highest rated frat on campus apparently. It was one of the older ones too. They had quotes from the website Greek Rank hanging from the tables.

Kass laughed at some of them. "Ever dated a guy in a frat?" She asked. 

CeCe shook her head. "Nah, I was never one for dating." She lied, remembering the many boyfriends she had in high school that turned manipulative and toxic. 

"I dated a guy from a frat when I was in high school. I really thought dating an older guy meant some more maturity." Kass rolled her eyes. "Boy, was I wrong." CeCe giggled, knowing for a fact that college guys were not that much more mature than high school guys. 

Before CeCe realized, Kass was tugging on her arm towards the booth. "What are you doing?" She asked. 

"College guys may be ridiculous, but  that doesn't make them any less sexy." She smiled deviously and winked at CeCe. "I wanna get a closer look."

As the two girls got closer, CeCe's eyes locked with one of the presenters, and her stomach twisted. Behind the first table was Sebastian, his hair recently slicked back by the ocean. He was wearing a tight purple shirt and a pair of black gym shorts. He had blue sunglasses on that he pushed up onto his head when he saw her. CeCe was never one who got nervous around guys, but something about the way Sebastian looked at her made her feel exposed and raw, as if she couldn't hide any of her secrets. 

But on the other hand, he did look like such a frat dude in that outfit, and CeCe's eyes couldn't help but wander all over him. The way he was dressed made it difficult for her to comprehend how he was dressed at the interview less than 48 hours ago. 

"Can my first week of college get any more confusing?" CeCe asked rhetorically. 

"Huh?" Kass hadn't realized yet. 

"Sebastian is presenting for this frat"

"Girl, I think the universe wants you to finish what you started the other night." Kass wiggled her brows. 

"Perhaps." CeCe wasn't going to deny her attraction to Sebastian, but first she needed to know where she stood with that job, and if he had anything to do with her hiring.

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