Chapter two

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*****Mature Scenes if you are underaged or can not handle then DO NOT READ**** Maybe Private so follow me if it is

Chapter 2

Everything was going great for the first three weeks. That was until Mia, my sister, told my dad about Steven. It really pissed me all the way off. It's not that I was ashamed of him, I wasn't, it's just that my dad seems to just want to see me miserable.

When Mia told him, he flipped. She told him everything, from him being a drug dealer, and how I'd been sneaking out. He yelled at me, telling me how he's no good, and how he's going to leave me after I give him what he wants, then he's going to end up knocking me up and jetting.

I never listened, because I knew that was a lie. For a whole week, he left me on lock down. After that, he started tightening up on making sure I was locked in my room, because he would have to go to work. It felt like I was prison.

They made me eat in my room, sliding my plate under the door, acting like I was some kind of disease.

Anyways, I was about to go see Steven today, and I'm beyond ready. I'm going over his house to chill and meet his brother, and to say I was nervous would be putting it lightly. I was a nervous wreck. He never let anyone meet his brother because he's the only family he had left., so it was going to be a big step for me. His parents were shot and killed by stray bullets.

I took a quick shower and got dressed, my nerves bouncing all around my room. A million and one questions floated around in my head. Will he like me? Will he think I'm good enough for his brother? I felt like I was about to meet the fucking president.

Mia, then, rudely interrupted my thoughts, when her stank ass walked in my room, her cheap ass perfume assaulting my nose. She always smelled like cheap perfume. Me and her were never on good terms, but that was fine with me. Now, we just don't say shit to each other, pretending as if we don't exist to one another.

When she spilled to my dad about Steven, I ran over and punched her straight in the mouth for putting my business on front street, knowing damn well my dad was going to be pissed at me. Hateful ass bitch.

Her lip was slowly healing from when I busted it. She didn't speak, just walked in, went into my closet, and grabbed herself out one of my shirts. I would have cared, but I was in a good mood, ready to see Steven, and I wasn't about to let this bitch try to steal my vibe.

She wasn't even paying me any attention, but when she walked by, she mumbled and I barely even heard her when she said, "You look very nice," catching me off guard. I didn't even realize that's what she said until she was already out of the room. She just told me I looked nice?

I was dressed in a Chicago Bulls jersey, some shorts, and matched it with my red and black thirteens and a Bulls snap back. It was just something basic. Even though my dad was a fucking devil on earth, he always made sure I had the latest gear. I fixed my hair by just spraying some water on it, making my natural curls more defined.

I walked down the stairs of the apartment since the shitty ass elevators weren't working again. It was hot as hell, I noticed when I walked outside and over to Steven's all black Escalade.

A lot of bitches were grilling me, mugging the fuck out of me as I was helped into the car after Steven held the door open for me. I'm sure it was for my safety but I wasn't worried about it. It was normal for girls to hate on me, and I didn't blame them. I would hate on myself too if I was a basic ass bitch.

The car ride was short and funny, with me and Steven just cracking jokes about each other till we finally made it to his and his brother's spot. I was so nervous, I didn't even notice we had pulled into the driveway until he opened my door for me, making the cool air from inside the car to be replaced by the sun's heat waves.

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